Chapter 11: Attack

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~3rd Person POV~

Director: Are you all prepared to hear this?
   The director stands at the head of the table, the rest of Class-S look in different.
Metal Bat: Is this really important? I left my sister's piano concert for this.
Director: ....The great prophet Lady Shibabawa is dead.
Zombie Man: That Shibabawa.....was she killed?!
   The director explained how she died.
Darkshine: I see. You want us to help prevent disasters without her help, right?
Director: No, that's not it. She could only predict only a half the fraction of disasters, there were many other she couldn't see.
Saitama looks at Puri-Puri Prisoner questioningly.
Saitama: Who is this Shibabawa? A hero?
Prisoner: What? You don't know?
   He explains who she was. She was a great prophet that predicted major disasters. All of them were 100% accurate. The director grabbed a piece of paper and showed it on a screen.

Note: "The earth is in trouble!!!"
Director: This! The earth is in trouble, that was her last prophecy!
Child Emperor: I-Is this a joke? This is silly, I have cram school to go to.
Director: Child Emperor, you're still only 10 right? You're a child genus but if you can't comprehend the danger, you're just a child after all.
Child Emperor: Say what?!
Director: Lady Shibabawa never uses the word trouble! There will be a threat level above demon or dragon, it'll happen within the next half year!
Tsukiya: (Hm...this is trouble some. There's not much time to prepare if it happens now.)
Watchdog Man: Something is happening within the next year...there isn't much to do to prevent it.
Director: T-That's true but still! Be prepared for the next battle within the next year! I say this as an ordinary citizen, please help us.
Saitama: That would mean it'll happen tomorrow or even today.
Director: U-Um, that is correct. Who are you?
Saitama: *smirks* I'm glad I came along.
Tsukiya: Stop smirking Baldy.
Saitama: You shush up Shorty!

   There was a sudden crash, shaking the whole building.
Genos: Wha-?!
   Outside, a flock of winged monsters attack the building.
Sky King: Once the heroes are gone, the surface will be ours!
   Suddenly, the flock of monster were killed. Even the sky king.

~Tsukiya's POV~

    The director starts panicking, making my ears hurt. He showed a projector of the whole city, everything was destroyed around the building.
Tsukiya: The citizens!
Bang: How is this building still standing?
Director: Metal Knight constructed this building to be stronger than any shelter! Everything around this building is completely destroyed!
I look to see Saitama jump through the ceiling.
Tsukiya: Of course you would...
Metal bat: No wonder ya have no windows, yet keepin' monsters outside of the fort.
Child Emperor: We should go out and confirm the enemy. We can't be sure this is the prophecy.
Genos: Master! We have to get-!
Genos finally realized Saitama already left.
Tsukiya: Saitama left a while ago Genos.
We decided to split up. Bang, Puri-Puri Prisoner, Atomic Samurai and Metal Bat decided to take on the enemy on the ground. The rest of us went on top of the building.
Child Emperor: While those fools is fighting the enemy down there, we still have a huge problem up in the sky.
Tsukiya: That's quite a large ship, powerful enough to destroy the city.
Child Emperor: We need to figure out a way to get up there Nova. But, even if we build an air craft, it'll get shot down.
Darkshine: Master King, I'd like to hear the opinion of an S-Class top fighter.
Tsukiya: (King, isn't he the 7th seat? How come....he feels weak? Maybe I'm just imagining this.)
King: There's nothing I can do. It's too far for me to reach in the sky, the best solution is to call Metal Knight.
Tatsumaki: WHAT THE HELL!? You're pathetic! And they call you the strongest man on the earth! The city is destroyed and you're not taking initiative!
Darkshine: Woah, Miss Tatsumaki, if you anger King he might kill you!
Tatsumaki: I've had enough!
Suddenly, Tatsumaki pulled on my arm, surprising me.
Tatsumaki: Nova and I will do it ourselves! I've bet he could flatten you in a second!
Genos: I'll help out too, I don't know if it'll be effective but I'll attack from the ground.
Tatsumaki: Are you deaf!? We got this!
Genos: ...

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