Twenty three.

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Anita's POV

The seminar we had was a long and interesting one. I learnt a lot to be honest. Questions were asked and answered. It was a fun time together with other students. Although, there were a lot of weird gazes from one student to the other. I caught like two white guys gazing at me every passing minute. One was just there, whilst the other was to die for. He was the most handsome guy I'd ever seen, but no, I'd pass.

On Samson's side, I caught like many girls throwing glances at him but the one that infuriated me was that girl I took Samson away from earlier. The look she was giving Samson was weird, and I didn't like it. She was giving him a green light signal. I just hope Samson didn't notice. Okay, why did I care?!

Samson and I walked out of the hall together, chit–chatting.

"The seminar was great." Samson said.

"Tell me something. I mean, from the topic, to the way he spoke...everything was just great."

"And the hall, superb." He kissed the tip of his index finger and thumb locked together, and threw it to the air.

"Yeah yeah. Also, did you notice the weird stares we were getting?" I asked him, heading somewhere.

"Er...kinda sha." He said nonchalantly.

I nudged and smirked. "Any girl you're having eyes for?" Oh damn was I heading somewhere.

He snapped his head at me and cocked an eyebrow. "Well, honestly, there were beautiful ladies in there," A pang of jealousy trapped me. "but having eyes for? Nah, that's too soon."

Phew! Thank goodness!

"What about you, any guy you're catching feelings for?" He reciprocated.

I was silence for a while, then he spoke up again. "I mean, there were a lot of guys in there that are your type."

I felt guilty again for treating him the way I used too before. "Well, there's a guy there that's dead handsome. If not the most handsome guy I've seen." As I said that, he smiled but his eyes read something different. He looked jealous. Yes, be jealous Samson, be jealous! 

"But having eyes for? Nah. Like you said, it's too soon." I completed my statement.

"What if he hits you up, would you go for it?"

"Er...well, it depends sha."

"Depends on what?" He asked quickly. And as he asked that, the girl that we saw earlier came to meet us. Dang it! What's her stress?

"Hey Samson." She said behind him.

Samson turned back. "Oh, hey Jane."

They smiled widely at each other. I rolled my eyes at the sight.

"Hey." Jane waved at me.

I feigned a smile in return. Before I knew what was happening, Jane took my place– they began to gist and laugh.

Tired of waiting, I walked away from their midst angrily. I was so pissed. In fact, I was fuming. How dare she? And Samson, that guy was just a....

"Hello?" Someone said behind me.

I turned back, and to my least expectation, I saw the drop dead handsome guy.

I gulped before replying. "Oh, hi." My voice sounded squeaky high.

"I saw you talking to yourself, so I came to ask if there was a problem." His voice was an additional advantage to his look. It was velvety deep.

I blushed in embarrassment at his statement. "Well, I'm fine." I couldn't meet him in his eyes but I observed his look.

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