Chapter 5~

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~Chapter 5~
They always say that the first couple days of school is always the hardest, but I feel like mine is overly hard. I've been late to almost all my classes and the school is so confusing. They have hallways that are letters, then hallways that are numbers. To make it even harder they have hallways that are numbers and letters.

Then at lunch I didn't know where to sit because I really didn't know anyone here, so I went to the 1b hallways and eat there. Not that there was much there, just some lockers and closed classroom doors. Eating a sandwich on the hallway floor was actually relaxing, I got to read my book, eat, and just sit there without any interruptions. It was great, until this guy had to come up to me and sit down right next to me like we are best friends, which we weren't.

"Can I help you?" I sign to the guy kind of rudely.

"Hi, I'm Maddin. What's your name?" This new guy Maddin signs to me with a big grin.

"Um, I'm Lilly." I sign back confused as to why this guy is talking to me. Wow I'm mean. Ha

"Are you new here? Cause I've never seen you before." He signs.

"No. I've gone here my whole life. I've been in your science class since 3rd grade, we have the same math class for the last four years, and we sit by each other in history every year since grade school." I sign joking with this guy just to see what he does. Yes, I'm new here.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that I just mean... Um, I'm sorry. That just... Sorry." He signs with this 'I just killed your puppy' look on his face.

"Dude, calm down. I'm totally joking with you, I just started school. No need to freak." I sign back while I start laughing.

"Oh, haha funny. Thanks for making me feel like a tool there Lilly." He signs while laughing at me.

"Haha I'm sorry. Could you ever forgive me?" I exaggerate while laughing.

"Yeah, I'll forgive you, this time. You have a cute laugh by the way." He signs while smiling.

"Thanks, and you can hear me? Wait.. You're not wearing hearing aids, I'm confused." I sign while grabbing his face to look on the other side of his face to see if he's only wearing one hearing aid, which he is not.

"Umm.. Yeah I'm not deaf." He signs to me while also saying the sentence.

"What do you mean you're not deaf? This is a deaf school. What are you doing here?" I sign super confused now.

"My sister, she's deaf and I had to learn sign language for her anyway, so when my parents moved us here and she started school here I decided I would also because it just seemed convenient and easier then all the double school hassle." He signs to me with those weird faces all signing people make while they sign.

"Oh. I guess that does make sense." I answer my new stranger-friend.

"Yeah." He signs with a smile. Just as he was about to say something else the flashing lights start going off indicating that you need to go back to class.

"Well, we need to go back, it was great talking to you." I sign before standing up to walk back to class. Throwing my left over lunch away I turn around to see he's still standing there.

"Umm.. Bye?" I sign to him turning around.

Grabbing me from behind I see he's telling me something. "Umm what class do you have? I'll walk you there." He signs while scratching the back of him neck awkwardly.

"I have AP chem. What do you have?" I ask him just to be nice.

"History. Wait, you're talking AP classes? Aren't you like a junior?" He signs with a confused face that gave him a crease in his forehead, which to be honest was pretty adorable.

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