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This will be my first story that I will be working on, I might change a couple of things in the timeline but everything will come out good. I'm very happy to be doing this. Be patient with me!

I wake up to the alarm that is going off in my phone, I go up to it and turn it off. "Ugh why does school have to start so early" I get up and get dress and I start going down the stairs where I see Jenna making breakfast, I go up and grab Jeremy's toast that he was about to bite "hey what was that for" I laugh and break the toast in half and give me the other piece.

Elena walks in and goes straight to the coffee machine "Good Morning how did you sleep?" Jenna asked "Good not ready for today" Elena comes and gives me the coffee that she made so i can separate into 2 cups "Mads Bonnie is picking us up in 10 minutes ready or not am leaving" I look up at her a nod

We get in the car with Bonnie "Hey Guys are you ready?" "Not much just want to get this day over with" I say looking out of the window. Elena goes and changes the radio when all of a sudden Bonnie almost crashes the car making all of us jump on our seats "Is Everyone ok!!" I look at Elena waiting for her to answer first "yea can't be afraid forever" she says looking over at Bonnie then at me "Maddie are you ok" she says "yea just a bit shock on what just happened"

We all get out of the car walking to enter the school while I get stopped by Tyler "Maddieee!! How are you" he goes and hugs me really tight "i.. can't.. breath" "oh damn sorry" I gasp for air while laughing and I go up to him and hug him but soft this time "I have been better" Tyler has been with me all summer when my parents passed away he has helped me so much I'm grateful for him

I walk inside the school after talking with ty for a couple of minutes I spot Elena and Bonnie In front of the office "what are you guys" I get cut off by Bonnie "shh look over there" I go and look and spot a new guys back "again I say what are you guys doing?" Elena laughs until she spots Jeremy running to the bathroom "ughh I'll be right back" Bonnie and I Nod still looking at the guys back "I am sensing his from Seattle and plays the guitar" Bonnie just found out about herself that she might be a witch "yea I highly doubt that" I start laughing and she rolls her eyes at me "I have things to do see you later Bonnie" I leave her alone and start heading to class

I come back from school alone because Elena wanted to stop by the cemetery so I didn't question her because Elena and I out of everyone took the passing of our parents really hard, yea we had support but it didn't really seem real.

Couple of hours pass and still no Elena I promised her to wait for her but I don't have anymore time. Jenna walks by "Am meeting Bonnie at the grill" "Ok have fun, wait I got this, Don't stay up late it's a school night" Elena walks in right to hear that "Good one Aunt J" I say laughing "I told you to wait for me" Elena walks up to me "Yea just your taking forever but now that your here I will wait so go and hurry everyone is waiting for us" Elena runs up the stairs to get ready to go to the grill "Am just going to wait outside" I yell from downstairs to Elena.

I go and open the door and I am met with this beautiful emerald green eyes. "Oh" I gasp, I got caught in the moment on how beautiful he looks. "Sorry I was about to knock" "It's fine" i chuckle, couple of seconds go by and I decide to talk "Who are you exactly?" "Oh yea sorry am Stefan" he goes to shake my hand and I shake his "Am Maddie, Elena's sister" "Oh she didn't tell me she had a sister" as he was saying that Elena comes rushing down the stairs "Oh and here is Elena" I stand back for a bit as Elena takes my place "Hey Stefan" I see her face with a big smile. "I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier I know it was strange" Stefan says to Elena. Oh! They met before as always Elena gets everything and everyone. "No worries, I get it blood makes you squeamish" "uh something like that, how's your leg?" I start to walk back to the living room taking it that they are going to take there time.

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