All Comes Down To The Truth

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The Gilbert House
Maddie's POV

I open my eyes to see Elena shaking me "Maddie, come on wake the hell up" I shrug her arms off of me and I try to speak up "Just 5 more minutes please" "You said that like half an hour ago and we're going to be late" I wake up realizing what today is, it's the Car Wash Fundraiser "Ok ok am up just give me some space" I feel Elena towering over me as I stand up on the bed and stretch almost falling off as I take a few steps to jump off "You seriously need to be careful" Elena speaks up and I look at her "Good Morning!!" I laugh in her face as I go to the bathroom to get ready

I walk downstairs to see Jeremy making toast, I walk behind him and snatch one from his plate "Give it back, who woke up 5 minutes before you to do this" and I giggle a bit at his comment as I take a bite out of the toast. As Jeremy, Elena and I talk for a bit I hear the a knock on the door and they all look at me waiting to go answer it. I roll my eyes at them "I am NOT getting that, I always answer the door, cut me some slack" as I complain Elena goes and opens the door

After a few minutes we hear Elena "Guys come on it's our ride" I look over at Jeremy wondering who's our ride. As I go and grab my things I see Bonnie waiting for us. I put our stuff in the trunk and give her a big old hug "Oh Bonnie thank you from saving me to talk to Jeremy any longer" "Yes Bonnie Thank You" I hear Jeremy say our load and I roll my eyes at him. We all get in the car going to the fundraiser and I go back and think of that kiss Stefan and I had last night, I don't know what to feel what happen last night

At The Car Wash Fundraiser

"No freebies. No pay you laters. We are not running a charity here" Caroline explains is the rules "No, we are not" Elena answers her as I just look to the side waiting for this to be over with until I hear a voice behind me "Hi" I turn around to see Stefan in a jacket and I laugh at his appearance "Hey!" I walk closer to him rethinking about our kids from last night "The event is called sexy suds, you know" Caroline breaks our little moment we were having. I turn around to face her with a glare and she smiles and walks to go probably yell at some other people

"Did we just get scolded" "And judged, yeah" I add to his comment "Wow." I turn to face him "I'm sorry but I guess you're going to have to take that off" I smile at him "I think you have to go first" and I turn my head a bit "Ok" I smile at him and I start to take off my shirt to reveal my bikini but the shirt just won't budge off my head "Ok, so not sexy" Stefan tries to help a bit and I finally take it off revealing my bikini and my now very messy hair covering half of my face. I chuckle a bit as Stefan goes a fixes my hair for me and cups my face in his hands "I disagree" he tells me and pecks my lips as I hold his hand with mine, I smile at his attempt to make me feel better about myself

Stefan and I take on a car and I realize his getting his big ring wet and soapy "You're getting soap in that" I tell him "Oh it's fine" he says back "I noticed that Damon has one too, is there a story behind it" I question him as I continue to clean the car "Yeah, it's the family crest from Italian renaissance" "Hmm." I go walk over the the other side of the car to get a closer look as I hold his hand with mine "What's the stone" I question him once again "It's called Lapus Lazuli" he answers back

"Oh. You should really take it off, I could put it in my bag" I look up from his hand trying to convince him "No, it's- it's fine,really" he shrugs his hand off of mine and I have complete no emotion and Stefan realizes that and he adds "Thank, though" I look up at him taking a few steps back "I'm gonna get some towels" "Ok" I walk away trying to find Caroline and I take a few seconds to look back to see Stefan looking at his ring

I spot Caroline and Elena at the stand and I go up to them "Hey, we're out of towels and those shimmy things" I tell Caroline sitting down besides her "I'll go get some more. Mind the money" "I'll come with" I tell Caroline, turning to face Elena "mind the money" I mimic what Caroline said to her ,Elena laughs at my comment as I go to walk next to Caroline

Caroline and I are talking about the Car wash as we are walking through the school trying to find more towels. We spot the janitor closet. I go up to open it but it was locked "Um, that's weird" I say as I turn to face Caroline, she starts to walk into the middle of the hallway "Care, you ok?" I question her but she doesn't reply

I roll my eyes at her and try to open the door once again but doesn't work, I hear a deep whisper from behind me and I turn as fast as I can and Caroline starts to jog back outside, are you kidding me I think to myself as I look around on what she might have run away from and I feel this breeze from behind me and I turn to investigate "Who's there?" I question out loud and I feel the same breeze from behind me and I turn "Ok am not playing around, you might have scared Caroline but you sure can't scare me" as I said those words I felt a presence appear in the room as I see the Janitor door lock click meaning it isn't locked anymore Ok you know what you win as I think to myself I jog back to the entrance not wanting anything to do with what just happen

I get to the main table where I see a customer paying Elena as I approach them "Hey, wheres caroline" she asks me "She ditched me, I thought she came back here" I tell her "Nope been doing all of this myself, help please?" She asks me "Yea don't worry" as I go to the other side of the table I see the customer she was attending walk off a bit and I noticed that's the same person that recognized Stefan at the grill

"Hey excuse me, I saw you last night. You were talking to a friend of mine, at the grill?" I question him waiting for an answer "Well, I-I thought it was somebody I knew" he reply's back to me, which I found that reply quite weird because he was certain he knew Stefan

"Stefan Salvatore?" "nah, it can't be. It's just my mind playing tricks on me" he tells me but I don't let it go easily "Where do you think you'd seen him before?" "When I first moved here, I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house, Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle. I mean, none of us knew he was even here until the attack" he tells me which I was a little bit token back to his last words "The Attack?" "His uncle got killed. Mailed by an animal in the woods" he explains to me and at this point my mouth is dropped

"His uncle, Zach?" I question him but he shakes his head"mm-mmm. Joseph." "I'm sorry. I don't think I'm familiar with the story" I apologize to him "Oh, how could you? I mean, this happened years ago" he tells me walking away a bit leaving me more confused than before

I stand up from my chair and walk in front of him "Hey, sir, I'm sorry. Um are you sure that the man that you saw, that you knew his name was Stefan Salvatore" I question him "Yes. I remember his ring and his brother-" I cute him off "Damon" "Yeah. Stefan and Damon Salvatore" he continues "When was this?" I ask him hoping to get all the information I need "It was early June, 1953 Yeah. June, 1953"

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Thank you guys for reading this new part of The Chosen Gilbert. Thank you for all of the funny and positive comments. I truly appreciate all of you that read my book. Thank you have a wonderful day/night.

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