The Night of Realization

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Back at it again! Glad you guys liked Part 3 hope your ready for this Chapter!! :)

The Next Day

I got out of the shower and I look over at my cheerleader uniform that was laying on my bed and I really put thought into it,
I walk over to my dresser to look at myself giving me hope for this day to come.

I then look over at this picture frame that I have on top of my dresser of me wearing my cheerleader uniform. I remember my Mom took that picture because I finally agreed to join the Cheerleaders and she was very happy for me that day.

The Boarding House: Stefan's POV

I write in my journal, 'There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother somewhere. I keep hoping but how do I make him see it? And how do I protect her?' I look over at my shelf that I have and I grab this chest and I bring and place it on my desk.

I open it and I grab this piece of paper and set it aside, I then grab this smaller box and I open it to see this beautiful emerald necklace.

At The School's Field: Maddie's POV

Elena drives us to the school for today's Football Game which I am very excited to see Stefan play. We finish talking right when we park the car in the parking lot and go our separate ways. I see one of my cheer friends and I go up to talk to her

I see Stefan walking up to me in the distance "oooh look at you. You look hot in your jersey" I smile at him as he gets closer to me, my cheer friend left already giving us some space "What happen? No more cheerleader" he asks me and I point to my bag "Sadly still in, you know" I smile at him as I tuck a piece of hair back to my ear andI look up at him "I hope you don't think this is too soon or too weird, but.. I, uh, I wanted you to have this" I look down at this little box that he is holding and he opens it to show a Emerald green crystal necklace and I gasp at how beautiful it looks

(I put the picture on how the necklace looks up there)

I take it out of the box and I chuckle at it "Oh, my god, it's beautiful" i smile at him "It's something that I've had forever, it matches your eyes" He tells me and I look up at his beautiful emerald eyes as well and I blush at his compliment "and, uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now, I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me for, good luck" i smile once again at him

I smell the necklace just a little "is that rose that I smell" I question him "No, it's, uh it's an herb. It's nice, huh" I look down at the necklace as it unravels itself on my hand "I love it" I turn around and wrap in on my neck so Stefan can lock it "And I wanted to thank you for pushing me to try out for the team" he says as he lays his hands on my shoulder as he finishes

I turn around and I smile at him "We're like pair you help me and I help you" I giggle at him "we're a work in progress. We'll figure it out" I look deep into his eyes as he leans it and I get on my tippy toes and I peck his lips on to mine. As I go down back I still have my eyes close, I open them to see him and I tilt my head and smile at him. He and I walk our separate ways to get ready for the game

I quickly go into the changing rooms and change, as I go out I see Caroline bossing  people around like always and I go up to her "Hey nice scarf" she looks at me "Thanks it's new" I go and get a closer look and she backs away "What are you doing, ever know of personal space" she raises her voice at me "sorry I just never see you with scarf you always hating wearing them, you would say it will ruin the outfit and here you are wearing one" she looks at me with evil eyes "Well things change around here" I nod at her and I walk away I didn't want to hear her voice anymore

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