Letting in

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Back Again !! Am super happy to see people enjoying The Gilbert Sisters as much as I do, hope you guys like Part 3!

At The Gilbert House

Elena drove us back to the house after Jeremy bailed on us for any help, I feel so bad for him because I feel like we are all drifting off instead of being together.

I walk up the stairs to go to my room but see someone in Jeremy's room looking through his stuff, I get confused but then I though it might be Jeremy. "Jer" I call over "No, it's me the hypocrite patrol" I walk inside and see Jenna going through Jeremy's stuff "What are you doing" I ask her confused and she looks up at me "I've become my worst nightmare, the authority figure who has to violate someone's privacy" and with that she runs over to a pile of clothes that Jeremy has in the corner of his room and picks up a drug he was hiding and she looks at me "Jackpot, I see the hiding places haven't gotten any more creative"

I walk over to Jenna "what brought this on" I ask her "Your ass hat of a history teacher shamed me good yesterday" I sit in Jeremy chair and look up to her "you got tannered been there, and he takes everything into matter" and she looks again and finds another drug Jeremy is hiding "Thanks. Like I didn't know I was screwing up" and I sigh at Jenna "You're not screwing up Aunt J" I tell her and she and looks down at me "Yea, I am. You know why? Because am not her. She made everything look so easy. You know, high school, marriage, having you. I can't do it, I'm gonna say or do the wrong thing, and he's going to get worse and it's gonna be my fault"

She sits in front of me "It's impossible" I get closer to her from the chair "this is just the fear talking, you're a little scared, that's all" and I look into realization "we all are" and with that I look down and she gets close to me "I have to go do something" and I nod my head at the right thing I said "but are you going to be ok" I ask her and she smiles and nods. I get up and get into Jenna's car to drive to make this right.

At The Boarding House

I pull up at the drive way and get out looking around at the sound of the crickets and the slight wind going through.

I walk up to the front door, these time am the nervous one. I ring the doorbell waiting until someone opens the door and it is the right person. I look up at him as he opens the door "Hi" he looks down at me "Hey" I tell him back, he moves aside "would you like to come in" and I smile at him "the comets actually this way" as I point outside and walk a little further from him I look up at the sky searching for the comet, as I see it he walks up to me "sorry for barging in. Especially after earlier" I look at him "No, no. Am glad you're here. The way we left things.. I didn't like it" I shake my head at his reply

"See the thing is, I got home tonight planning on doing what I always do, sit and think about all of my problems surrounding me, like I have been since the day my parents passed away" I look shocked at what I said "wow first time I  say that without tearing up or feeling alone" I look up at him and his smiling at me and at that moment I feel protective and not alone anymore "today I convinced myself it was ok to give up, don't take risks. Stick with the status, no drama now is just not the time, but my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that.. I'm scared Stefan" I look up to him with realization

"I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that.. the world's just going to come crashing down, and I- I don't know if I can survive that" he looks away for a moment then back at me "I met a girl. We talked. It was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well, this is reality, right here." With that he gets closer to me and I get closer to him as I looked down at his lips and then back into his green eyes. He looks at mine and then back to my green eyes as well. As we take up the space between us our lips touched and I close my eyes, the feeling was amazing. As we separate and I look at him with a smile on my face as we go in again, I set my hand on his face as well as he is but on my neck, after about a couple of long seconds we pull away. And I finally let myself be happy for the first time in a long time.

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