Day By Day

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Hope you guys liked my first part to The Gilbert Sisters!

At the Bonfire

After the ambulance took Vicki and Matt, I look over to Jeremy and Elena and I walk to them. "Are you guys ok?" I go and comfort them but Jeremy shakes it off and with that I look down at the pain he is going through right now. "I called Jenna, she is on her way" Elena looks at me and then Jeremy, I nod at her reply and look over to Jeremy while he finishes his beer "Hey, people are going to stop giving you breaks, jer they just don't care anymore. They don't remember that out parents are dead, because they've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on, you should try too"

With that Jeremy snaps at me "I have seen you hide your pain from everyone, pretending everything is alright which is not, is that suppose to be you moving on" I look at him with pain in my eyes as I shake my head lightly. Elena decides to step in "Mom and Dad wouldn't have wanted this" I look at her and then back to the ground.

At the boarding house: Stefan's POV

"She took my breath away" I look up at him confuse "Maddie, she's a dead ringer for Katherine" I tense up "She is not Katherine" "Is it working, Stefan? Being around her in her world. Does it make you feel alive?" I look down at my feet "Well, let's hope not, we both know how that ended" I roll my eyes at his comments "I know what your doing Damon. It's not gonna work" he looks up at me and shoves me back "Come on Stefan, don't you crave it a little" "Stop it" "Lets do it together, I saw couple of girls out there, or just let's cut the chase and go straight to Maddie, maybe even her sister Elena"

"Stop it!" I shove him back "Imagine what their blood tastes like! I can" I turn around to the mirror in front of me and my eyes go dark and veins start to grow under my eyes "Stop!" And with that I growl at him and push him going out the window and landing outside with broken glass around us. "I was impressed,didn't think you would break that easily" I look up at him standing like nothing just had happen "you know it's all fun in games Damon huh? But wherever you go people die" as I stand up and go closer to him "not here. I won't allow it". " I take that as an invitation" he smirks at me "Damon please, after all these years, can't we just give it a rest?" "I promised you An Eternity of Misery, am just keeping my word" "Just stay away from Maddie and Elena"

At The Gilbert House

As we walk inside everyone goes there separate ways, I go up to my room to change into a tank top and some sweatpants so I can feel more comfortable. As I walk into the kitchen I get a glance at the living room and see Jeremy looking at a picture frame of our parents, I go and sit next to him while looking at the picture frame "Hey I want to apologize For earlier I shouldn't have said those things to you" I cut him off and give him a big hug "We are all in this together Jer, don't forgot that" as I say that I lay my head on his shoulder as we continue to look at the picture frame. "You know Jer, Am always going to be here for you. Whenever you need anyone am always here" he nods his head and goes upstairs.

I sit in the bay window of the living room looking at the locket my mom gave me when I was younger, I open it and it was a picture of her and I. She always told me by wearing this, no matter how much I push people away she will always be the one closes to my heart. A single tear lets itself out of my eye as I see Stefan outside, I quickly close me locket push the blanket off as I hurry to open the door.

I open the door "I know it's late but, uh.. I needed to know that you were ok" his words really made me feel better about myself "you know for months, I have been pushing people away, not caring or needing anyone for help. Everyone would ask me if I was ok" I lightly look to his eyes "what do you tell them?" "That I'll be fine" I shrugged my shoulders at my reply
"Do you ever mean it?" "Ask my tomorrow, it's warmer in the house we can talk" I step aside "would you like to come in?" I ask with a small smile on my face, he smiles at me "yes"

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