[22] Slowly finding the truth

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[Third person POV]

"What do you mean that they're cousins?" Sunmi asked in shock.

"I don't understand. Heechul never revealed that he had a cousin or anything" Jungkook said.

"He never revealed it and I don't know why he did" Tae stated.

"Well do you have any idea who she is?" Y/N asked.


[Jennie POV]

I just got back after the photoshoot and it was very tiring. I wonder how Y/N's doing. I heard about the recent news with Irene from Red Velvet. Honestly if Y/N remembered her past she would definitely quit that job already. I wonder what lies has Irene told Y/N

"Oh? Unnie your back!" Chaeyoung shouted.

"Yah sit down you look tired" Jisoo said.

"Ugh I hate this. There's so much work" I complained.

"Oh by the way Jen, Y/N came by earlier" Lisa said.

"Hm? What for?" I asked her.

"Oh, she wanted to talk to you but you were busy doing your photoshoot" Lisa explained as she passed me a glass of water.

"Did she say what she wanted to talk about?" I asked her again.

"No she didn't, sorry" Lisa apologised.

"That's ok" I said. I wonder what she wanted to talk about. Maybe it's something important or about her past?



"Yeah that's what I found. I even checked their DNA and both of them match" Tae said.

"Could the other members be a part of their group as well?" I asked.

"It could be possibility. There's five people in Red Velvet and there's five people in the group who's been attacking you" Sunmi explained.

"Well based on their activities, none of them are suspicious well except for Yeri of course" Tae explained.

"No I don't believe it. Are you sure there's no one else that can control that type of power?" I asked Tae.

"No there wasn't any" He said. My eyes narrowed and I tried to think. Could it be possible? 

"I'm going to Blackpink's dorm. I need to talk to Jennie about something" I said and left the house. If Red Velvet is related to that group then why are they trying to take me or attack Jungkook in the first place? It doesn't make sense. I knocked at Blackpink's door, hoping that Jennie's already home.

"Oh Hi Y/N" Jisoo greeted.

"Is Jennie home?" I asked.

"Oh yeah she is, one sec" She said and turned around. " Jennie! Y/N's at the door!" She shouted.

"Ne!" I heard Jennie's voice from inside. "Y/N, what brings you here?" She asked.

"Unnie I need to talk to you about something really important" I said to her.

"Um ok, come in" Jennie said and she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. "What happened are you ok? Is there something wrong? What happened?"  She asked with a question one after another.

"I need to speak to you privately, if that's ok" I said.

"Uh yeah that's fine. Come on, let's go to my bedroom then we can talk" She said. I wonder how she's going to react if I told her what happened, or the truth about my identity. We walked up the stair to her bedroom. I sat down on her bed while she locked the door and made sure that the others were downstairs. 

"Unnie, I don't think your going to be happy about the truth that I will reveal" I said. She sat down next to me and held my hands.

"Just tell me anything and I promise I won't be mad at you for any of them" She said, calming me down.

"Ok, but are you sure you won't faint or get really mad?" I asked her.

"Of course I won't. I'm your cousin, we're close as sister"  She said. I let out a deep sigh and got ready to speak.

"I'm....I'm the Silent Stalker" I said and closed my eyes.

"Your...your her?" She asked.

"Yes, I am her. I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner...but I,..I was scared" I said.

"I knew you were her" Jennie said calmly.

"Y-You knew?" I was surprised.

"Your powers are the same, you both lost your memories, you both acted coldly sometimes. That's how I knew but I still wasn't sure because you barely used you powers in the past and I don't know why" Jennie explained.

"What do you mean by I barely used them?" I asked her.

"After auntie and uncle died, you completely stopped using your powers" She said.

"I've must have been in a dark time" I said.

"Yeah you were" Jennie said  sadly.

"But it's ok now unnie. I'm here and I feel happy as ever" I said and she giggled.

"Gosh, you're such a kid" She said and giggled.

"Oh by the way unnie, did you know Irene when we were back in highschool?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah we were bestfriends back then but you seemed to hate her a lot. It's kinda funny since she had the biggest crush on you then, well almost everyone did" She said and laughed.

"Hearing that kinda makes me cringe" I told her and we both laughed"By the way unnie did you tell her that I live with Sunmi?" I asked her. I'm not going to mention anything about what I found out about Irene and her members.

"No, why?" Jennie said.

"You didn't?" I questioned her.

"Irene and I haven't talked after you disappeared" She said.

"Then....how did she know?" I asked.

To be continued...


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