#4:His heart

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Whe  I woke up, I was wondering what I'm doing in my room because for what I remembered, I was still at the party. I remebered about Jay and I stood up.

I was about to go out the door when I saw Jay sleeping in the floor. I sat beside him.

"J-Jay? Do you want to transfer to my bed?" I said while holding his shoulder.

"W-What? Oh its you. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah thanks, but you on the other hand. Why did you sleep on the floor?"

"Don't worry about it I'm used to it. I usualy sleep after I practice."

He stood up and we both went to the kitchen together. We ate breakfast with my father and he asked permission to go home. We went to the door together and I opened the door for him.

"Its great seeing you. See you again soon."

"Bye see you soon."

I was stunned when I saw Katherine by Jay's car while watching us hugged each other. Jay looked at Katherine and Katherine ran.

"I'm sorry Jane, but I got to go to Katherine." Jay said before he ran after Katherine.

I went straight to the CR and cryed. I don't know how long I've been crying but when I got out, I saw Mary sitting infront of me.

"Come on, lets go eat breakfast." She said while pulling my arm.

"I just ate." I said after I pushed her arm off mine.

"But I haven't."

"But I gotta change first."

She knod and I went to my room amd changed my attire. We went to our favorite store and Mary sat at our usual seat while I went to the counter and ordered her something to eat.

I saw a girl having trouble carrying her tray, so I helped her.

"Oh thank you maam, just putt it at that table." She said while pointing to her table.

"Hi I'm Jane by the way." I said while putting out my hand.

"Hello I'm Joy, thanks for the help." She said while shaking my hand.

I introduced her to Mary and we all ate together, even if I know I already ate.

"Realy? Your brother was once a model?" I reacted to her story.

"Yeah. Here's a picture." She said while showing us her phone with her brothers picture.

I was so shocked when I saw Jay at the screen and I didn't notice that I was already staring at it for too long.

"Whats wrong?"

"Jay is your brother?"

"You know him?"

I didn't answer so, Mary explained everything, even the part when Katherine slapped me. I noticed that Joy's happy face turned upside down so I asked her what was wrong.

"The truth about Katherine is that she's a gold digger. She only loved my brother when he started modeling."

"Does your brother know about her?"

"No, and that's what bothers me. He doesn't even notice that his money is decreasing."

"You mean that girl was the reason he needed to mary Jane?" Mary shockingly asked.

After some clarifications, we all went back home. When I got home, I saw Jay by the door step, and he was crying so I went beside him.

"Whats wro__"

"You need to stop the marriage, please I beg you."

"Why w-what happened?"

"I-Its Katherine, I'm sorry but I still love her and I don't even know why my manager wanted me to marry you. I'm sorry but I can't do this."

He was about to run, but I stopped him. I faced him to me and wiped his teers.

"I'm doing this for you, for us."

"No, you're doing this for your self, for the company, your company."

"If that's what you want then be it, I can't cancel the marriage and I wont." I went inside and banged the door.

He left and I couldn't help myself but fall into my feet hugging my knees. I realy wanted to tell him why he needed to marry me, but Joy strictly said I can't.

If I told him about it, he might have a heart attack, Joy told me that he has a heart problem, and that he might not like the answer.

It's my juty to keep it a secret to him and to keep the marriage going, while Joy and her familly will look for a better solution to tell him the truth and not hurting him.

There was too many information about him and I couldn't take it all in, so I texted Mary.

Jane: hey can you help me?
Mary: yeah why?
          :Oh my God did you cancel the wedding?
Jane: what? No!
          : what the heck is in your mind?
Mary: ok sorry so what is it all about?
Jane: just come over at my house I'll tell you when you get here.

After awile, Mary arrived. And I dragged her to my room so that no one can hear us.

"So whats up? Why'd you bring me here? Why can it not wait till tomorrow?"

"Stop asking and listen to me. You already know about our agreement with Joy, but how can I take his mind off Katherine?"

"Simple. Make him fall for you."

"How can I make him fall for me if I don't even love him."

"We need to plan this first. When is your wedding again?"

"Its next week sunday."

"What! But its already saturday we got to make this quick."

"Thats why I wanted you to come and help me."

"Fine I'll take care of it. Later this evening meet me at our usual spot we'll have to talk to someone."

I knod and then she left. It was already evening and like what she said, I prepared my self. I went to our usual seats and waited.

After awile Mary came, but with Katherine. I was so confused that I didn't noticed that I was already staring at them.

"Mary why did you bring her?"

"She needs to tell you something about him, dont worry I already forced her." Mary said seriously.

"What did you do to her?"

"I'll tell you later, first listen to what she has to say."

"I stole alot from him."

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