#6:Wedding plan

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I woke up this morning and ate breakfast, I prepared my self to be more presentable. After a few hours, I heard a car stoped infront of our house, and I opened the door.

"Good morning guys."

"Hey Jane. So what do you wanna do?"

"Come in and we'll talk about it."

We went to the living room and we sat down. I told her that I forgot about the planning, so I begged her to help.

"Why dont you ask your father if he already did the paper work?" Zack said.

"Ok I'll try to messge him."

Jane: dad did you do the paper work for the wedding?
Dad: oh I forgot to tell you I allready did but I'm sending you some papers to decide it should be about 15 min.
Jane: ok dad thanks.

I told them what dad sent me and we watched a movie while waiting for the papers.

After waiting the door bell rang and I opened it and recieved the papers and I went beside Mary.

Color: ___________
Gown: ___________
Wedding ring:
Bride's maid:_______
Groom's men:______
Flower girls:________
Ring bearer:________
Bible bearer:________
Coin bearer:_________

"So what do you plan on doing?"

"I want your help but most of all I want Jay's opinion."

"Why dont we call him?"

"I dont have his number, but I have Joy's number."

Jane: hi Joy this is Jane by the way can I ask for Jay's number?
Joy: oh sure here XXXXXXXXXXX
Jane: thanks
Joy: your wellcome

I told Mary that I have his number and she took her phone. Mary called Jay and he answered. Mary asked Jay's addres and she wrote it down while Jay was dectating it.

"Come on lets go."


"To Jay's place."

"I'll drive." Zack said while grabing his keys.

We went in front of a building, and it was huge, I didn't know that it was Jay's place until Zack parked the car at the back of the building.

"Zack have you been here before, you seem like you know the way around."

"Actually, this is the place where I met Jay."

"Wait, you met Jay? Are you serious? Since when? How? What happened?" Mary said while stopping Zack from going outside the car.

"I was a friend of Jay, I met him before I met Katherine, we met Ktherine when she entered the program for being an Idol. We used to meet up in this place alot, and this is the place where she became my girlfriend, and also where she dumped me and became Jay's girlfriend. I was so hurt that I can't accept the reality of Jay and Kath, and that was the reason I left. I know Jay still thinks that Kath is still supporting me with his money, because that was the only reason he became her boyfriend."

"Jane remind me to talk to my brother later because I think he needs to explain to me why he didn't told me. Come on let's go."

After Mary asked me a favor, we went out the car and strait to the door, but since we don't know that place, we just followed Zack. We followed Zack until we stopped infront of a door. Zack rang the door bell and the door opened.

"Z-Zack." Jay said in a confused tone.

"What? Are you just gonna stare at us? Aren't you gonna invite us in?"

"Sorry c-come in."

We all went inside and we sat at his couch. I was so amaze of how big and beautiful his place was that I didn't notice that they were already calling me.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?"

"The paper Jane. Give it to him." Mary said while pointing at him.

"O-oh here, I was thinking that we should decide together since it's not just my marriage."

He read the paper and looked at me, he looked back to the paper and then he grabbed a pen from his table. He wrote something before he handed it back to me.


Color: Blue_______
Gown: ___________
Wedding ring:
Groom:Jay Carlo___
Bride's maid:Mary___
Groom's men:Zack___
Flower girls:________
Ring bearer:________
Bible bearer:________
Coin bearer:_________
°__Sam Lourdes_____

"That's all I want, you decide the rest, if you're asking why I put Blue, it's because I whant you to look like Cinderella."

"How about your parents."

"They're long gone."

"Any other relatives?"

"Nope, just my manager."

"Wait, why is_"

"I don't want Katherine to trash the wedding."

Jay already answered the question even if I haven't finished yet, it's like he can read my mind.

"So Zack how was your long vacation?"

I was shocked when Jay asked Zack. I forgot that Jay didn't know that Katherine left Zack.

"You have to know the truth. I beg you not to be mad but to be more open minded." Zack said to Jay.

"I'm ready to listen." Jay replied.

Zack told everything that happened and we were all silent because we were all listening to what he's saying.

Later on, someone knocked on the door. Jay stood up and opened it. We were watching Jay when Katherine jumped at him and hugged him.

"Babe help me, Zack and Jane won't stop bothering me." Katherine said in a flirty tone.

I guess Katherine didn't know that were here, but Jay didn't even hugged her and that made us worried.

"Kath please stop, I know everything now, you don't have to pretend." Jay said in an angry tone.

"W-What do you mean Ja_" Katherine wasn't able to finish her sentence when she saw us sitting in the couch.

Katherine walked towards us and slapped me.

"You deceived him you slut."

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