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The air was heavy, everything seemed to be heavy. Rain feel like bullets on their olden bunker, the room held seven people, a mother, a father, their two kids and multiple family members. The littlest one had leafy green eyes, with bright ginger hair. The mother held onto her, looking to the father who held a gun, to protect his broken family. He had to, this was for their family, this was for the last survivors before the wave of 2100. But most importantly this was for his baby girl.He had to do this, even if he'd loose his only hope, he couldn't let anyone touch his new hopes. The mother looked to the father.

"You don't need-"

"I know, you've told me that a million times, but I have to." The Brunette smirked to his ginger wife, his blue eyes sparked with confidence, but were shattered with bits of fear.

"I'll go with you, we can't have you go alone." The Fathers brother walked over placing his gloved hand on the brunettes shoulder.

The Father smiled and nodded waiting for others to join along, of course the mothers sister, her father, the fathers brother and nephew joined. They walked up the creaky stairs of the bunker. Opening the hatch he took in the horrible fumes, it could easily kill someone within minutes, they were hoping it'd only take just an hour.But there stood the familiar faces, of the war. The ones who planned to find a cure of somesorts. The ability to brainwash people into believing the world wasn't rotting, that the war was a thing of the past. A cure to give people the ability to breathe in this air with out dying, or that's what the man in the black thought

"Dr. Colestone, it's great to see you again, I see you have company."

"Funny you come now, usually you come every 4 months, why did you come now?" The Father grumbled under his breath, but the man approaching him had an unchanging smile. A sinister one, a smile that had no regret, he wanted something.

"The Cure,"

"It's not a Cure Callagei, and you know that. We're not curing some untamable disease." The Mothers sister looked to her Brother in Law who spoke with no tame.

This cure they were looking for never exsisted, it was a mere thought to gain power. By far the only stupid one here was Callagei looking for some common answer, but it wasn't going to happen. This was Colestones family not Callagei's, nor would it ever be. The two looked at each other before he finally got a response.

"I understand, and you are the only one who knows to make it." The man stood tall, the guards shuttering footsteps fell across the metal incline from the plane. They didn't stop filing out behind the tall black figured man.

"Matthew," The sister placed her hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off.

"I feel like giving it to you, but you would only give it to the Government and not the people." The father's grip on his gun tightened and of course the man didn't pause.

The man's figure crept above the father, but he didn't stand down.

"You were always a fighter Matthew." The man walked over he looked at Matthew pressing a button to his chest, it felt like a sharp hot pinch against his skin.

"But right now I'd prefer you not to be."

In the Bunker the music of the broken stereo buzzed in and out, the gave a beautiful sense of happiness. The Mother cratled her baby in her arms with her little boy next to her before she heard it. Two loud gunshots, they boomed against the bunker. Giving her boy the baby she ran to the back of the bunker, pressing a bright red button opening to large doors. He looked tohis mother in shock and fear, he couldn't believe she'd let o of him like this, he didn't know if he could do all of this, but he had to. They had this planned down to the bitter bones.


"Ethan you have to take her out of here, in a couple miles from this door there'll be another large door. The door will have a large red button, press it and there you will see Auntie Jones ok. Mommy will be right behind you, I have to get daddy's stuff." The little boy was overwhelmed by her words, he was only seven, he could tell his mom wasn't going to follow him.

This was his fathers years of work. A cure that would knock out the supreme power at it's sorce instead of giving the man in black the cure he thought exsisted. This was a way to prove the Enclosure wasn't the only living place on earth. In the process, he killed the people he didn't need and kept the ones he needed. But Ethan knew everytime he was sent to Auntie Jones someone died. First Isabella then Grandma, now his remaining family. He'd been through this so many times he was numb to the feeling of being left behind them and he was only seven.

"Mama will you promise to be behind us." Ethan mumbled under his tears. His mother felt the air crumbling around her, the pressure the fear all for her kids, and her husbands work.

"Mommy will try her best, you have to go Ethan." Pushing her son into the cavern she closed the door then looked to the cavern opening, to one of the walls she pressed the yellow button, the oxygen falliure in the bunker room.

As Ethan ran with his little sister he could hear the people run into the bunker and bang on the door. But Ethans father had the kill switch there was no way to open the door. Running down the stairs his cry got louder and less muffled but he had to make sure not to worry his baby sister. He ran hearing the clouded sounds of loud shots, women screaming and finally the cry of his name. He couldn't stop, he knew that was the man in black and he would not stop to confront him.Why did this happen now, his sister was only a couple weeks old. They had little food and now he was alone in the long hallways of an abandoned nuclear bunker. Looking in the hallways he finally found the hallway with the large door. He pressed the red button, then watched as the door opened to another hallway. He ran moor then stopped at a stair case, running to the bottom of the stairs the ceiling closed above them and there he saw his Auntie Jones, her Husband and his cousin Eliza.

They were happy having some old bunker food and multi sorce liquid. But the mood shifted as soon as they saw Ethan and the baby. His hair was messy, clearly covered in the dirt of the bunker, and tears had covered his face. His Aunt stood from her chair and walked over to little Ethan. Looking to the baby she hesitated.

"Ethan..." His Aunt walked over picking up the baby, quickly his uncle ran up behind his Aunt.

"Oh my god." His uncle covered his mouth thinking the worst of the worst. It couldn't be they were so protected, Matthew's Lab was all the way in the Ash Sector. How could they get to Ember, a town that was nearly underwater and people who barely came to land.

They had practiced this for months, Ethans mother told them if he ever walked there by himself, they'd have to assume that the bunker was raided. The only way to destroy Matthew's work was to start the oxygen failure in the bunker. If so everyone in the bunker was dead, they could not return to the upper bunker they'd have to move down.

"Ethan where's your mom and dad?" She whispered hoping a gentle voice would comfort the seven year old. But his tears stremed faster down his face, he didn't make a sound just crossed his arms.

"Diane, they got Matthew," His uncle looked to his wife, who held the baby.

"I know, we just have to make sure they don't get found." She tried to force a smile, to make sure he would calm down.

"What about Matthew's wo-"

"We can't worry about that now, we have to get them safe. Ethan you can sleep on the bed in Eliza's room. I'll give this little one the smaller bed." She spoke calmly, Ethan and Eliza walked off to the room, and the husband waited as his wife walked off with the baby.

She walked to a smaller bunker room, placing the small baby on the short bed covering her in short blankets and placing a cotton pillow near her. The baby giggled grabbing the blanket with their small fingers. The aunt whispered some words and then looked up to the torch glowing a flame in the corner.

"I don't believe I ever got your name." The baby giggled at her response and the Aunt nodded.

"How about Cove, you like that?"The baby babbled at the response and the Aunt smiled.

The Aunt stood up taking the torch from the room, covering the baby and walking out of the room, placing it on table, blowing it out, walking to her room. Today was the end of a day, but the beginning of a years long work.

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