Chapter XIII

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The photo was ingrained in his head as they moved, the whole scene the night before was stuck in his head. Did she really care the same he did about her, or was this just a coincidence. His hand stayed on Eliza's pack who was asleep on Griffin's back. His mind wandered to Cove who was talking with Elena in the front, and then Alexei who was walking by his side. Rowan was behind them all thinking about something they didn't understand. Devin stopped looking back to Rowan, of course the rest of the group continued onward.

"You alright Rowan?"

"Sorry I just got caught in thought." Rowan gave him a cheery smile, causing Devin to give him one back.

The two continued on with the group, before Elena stopped holding her hand in front of Cove to stop her moving. Cove looked over to Elena rather confused before looking in front of her, she tilted her head. Devin walked up to Elena and Cove placing his hand on her shoulder, Cove looked to both of them confused before looking ahead of them.

"What, where are we, why are you smiling."

"Welcome to Pozhar, three days away from the Tennessee lab,"

"Four days actually!" Alexei exclaimed, everyone looked over to Alexei and he quickly shut up.

"Technically it is four days away, but we'll be there by Tuesday I promise." Devin looked to Cove with a cheery smile before watching her run ahead of her, she held her arms out and fell into the sand.

Rowan watched Cove, walking over to her and kneeling next to her, then he looked to the others. Cove and Rowan weren't close when they lived together but they had their share of jokes, and cute guys. Alexei walked through the area causually kneeling by Rowan and picking up some sand in front of him. Rowan raised a brow and stood up, walking back over to Eliza who laid her head on Griffins shoulder.

"You tired Eliza?" Eliza nodded and sat up leaning her head on Rowans shoulder, Rowan looked to Griffin and waved him off.

"We've been walking for five days of course I am," Eliza grumbled.

Devin watched Cove for a little bit before looking to Elena who was already ready to leave. She walked over to Devin holding out her arms, Devin tilted his head before looking to the bag on his shoulder. Taking it off he handed it to her and she placed it over her shoulder, and called for the rest of the group. Eliza and Rowan stood up walking over with Griffin, Alexei followed them helping Cove up to listen. She stood up walking over to Elena and laying her head on her shoulder.

"Now that we're in Pozhar there will be multiple Russian ambassadors to greet us, the only ones you are allowed to talk to are the ones Alexei and I are formal with. There is a group called the Kapel in Pozhar we haven't talked to them yet but they are known to help the Crimson sector." Elena looked around then back to them.

"There is a man named Borya he is the leader of Kapel, more or likely there will be a soldier of his wandering the plains of the raidation, they aren't usually tame, if you fall upon one tell me Alexei or Griffin, we all speak Russian and most Pozhar people don't speak fluent english."

As she said the others listened and they begun their walk through Pozhar, Devin looked in the area around him, he saw the mountains in the background and the dead trees. But what stood out was the large building in the distance, he looked to Cove with a hesitant frown, she wandered with Elena, the two giggled and shared a laugh. He didn't want Cove to get into trouble but he didn't want herself to get into trouble, Alexei walked next to Devin with a smirk. He looked up to Elena then to Devin, he knew what Devin was thinking so he decided to leave him be, this was his buisiness and his business alone.


"Have you been to Pozhar, is it dangerous?" Devins brown eyes wandered to Alexei filled with fear, Alexei looked to the ground than back to the ground.

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