Chapter I

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If the world can't be seen, why does every book speak so fondly of it. A place with bright green leaves, that would turn red and orange durring the colder seasons. What was it like, what was it like to wake up at sunrise and watch it barely enter the sky. A brilliant white orb showing the sky behind it brilliant colors.

"Cove?" The red head looked over to her bunkmate, the bright blue eyed Eliza with her short brown hair peeked over the top bunk to the girl under.

The red head had her arm placed under her neck looking to the poster plastered on the bottom of Eliza's bunk deplicting a sunrise, it was beautiful. Only thing that turned her off about it was the fact that it was Russian propoganda. Something she grew to love and hate. She never grew up during the time of the war or knew anything about it. It was strictly forbidden in the house to talk about the war, or Coves parents. All she knew about them was that they left and Cove wasn't allowed to know much, but she was smart enough to get through her family's antics and find things about her family she wouldn't guess to see.

"Eliza," Cove looked up to Eliza with the most unexpressive face, she decided not to move but Eliza probably wasn't going to have that.

Cove closed her eyes for a millisecond and felt the bunk clatter, her bunkmate was moving, probably jumping off to get Cove out of bed. But even if that was going to happen Eliza couldn't move her. Cove was 130 pounds of muscle, Eliza was 120 pounds of reheated lunch tarts, then again Eliza was five inches taller than her. The two were polar opposites, Cove was the physical one who only went off of her emotions, and Eliza was the mental one who thought before she acted. They had gotten used to this, it was in their family name. Colestones didn't think they acted upon emotion, Jones worked off of mental capabilities. But Cove tried to be one with her current family, she tried to seem attatched to them, think like them, but she couldn't it was something she couldn't do. 

The two had lived together for sixteen years, but didn't start sharing a room until Ethan turned eleven.  Eliza's mother couldn't trust them, but she always told the girls it was because Eliza's older brother, Rowan was coming back from Bunker raiding. But it'd been eleven years since he'd come back. Now it'd been eleven years since Cove had seen her brother. He left with Rowan of course, the stupid Rowan who was seventeen when he left and took little thirteen year old Ethan. The two hadn't seen their brothers, they missed their brothers, but it was better to assume they were gone than ever hope they'd come home healthy. The Radiation was dangerous, due to the toxic fumes of the war people never came back normal, they came back sick and weakened. So doctors came up with medicines to heal the wounded who'd been in the radiation. It helped, but only for a couple weeks before people were sick again.

"Girls!" Cove sat up, looking over to Eliza who was grabbing something from the pile of clothes on the ground.

Cove didn't move as fast as Eliza who ran over to her mothers voice. Cove sat up and looked up at the photo on the wall, it was her brother Ethan, and Rowan. The two had been close for years, but the photo of them when they were younger haunted her. Ethan was thirteen and Rowan was seventeen, it wasn't creepy it was just odd. She grumbled and picked up the jacket hanging on her bunk bed's post, it was an old jackets, with dust covering the shoulder pads. But there was buckle at the neck, it was engraved with an MCE, it had to be her fathers. Placing the jacket over her shoulders she walked in to the main corridoor. She looked around the dusty bunker before finally seeing her Aunt, Eliza and her Uncle sitting at the table.

She watched her Aunt place a bowl on the table, clearly for her Uncle, it was just frozen cereal over some reheated milk. Her uncle was weird about his food before he went out on journeys, he'd have a bowl of cereal, the milk had to be warm and two French toast sticks, with no syrup. He was odd, but it was the same schedule. Looking for Matthew over again even though more or likely he was gone. She was always confused of why her Uncle kept searching for Matthew, but she didn't question it, everyone did something for a reason, even if it seemed meaningless to others.

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