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"Thank you for meeting me

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"Thank you for meeting me." Said Eleanor on a warm July night in a pub located in the inverts of Manchester.

"No problem," said Seria, her childhood best friend during her years at Hogwarts. "I just wished be would have stayed in contact more. Eleven years is a bloody long time." The woman drank from her glass. Seria was a tall, thin woman, she had the same dirty blonde hair but this time it was shorter than when they were kids. Her personality still, very much the same, along with her pride as she finished off a fire whiskey.

Eleanor shyly snacked on the bowl of pretzels that sat at the table, "So, what have you been up to? I see a ring on your finger."

"I see you dont." Seria commented back

Eleanor pressed her lips in a thin line and took a sip of her own drink. "I used to." She muttered just loud enough for Seria to hear.

The blonde woman across from her looked at Eleanor like a crazy woman, "Divorced? What rat-arsed of a man did that to you?!" She exclaimed. It made no sense to Seria, "You're literally the prettiest woman in the room. Besides me of course." She whispered the last part.

"Seria, we are the only two women in this pub." Eleanor states making her friend look around the bar full of mostly older men who needed a break from their lifes.

"Oh." She stated before the both of them began to laugh.

Seria wasnt only married but fulfilled her career as an employee of the owl post office. She had three kids— Grant, Norman and William. Her husband happened to be the man who asked her out in third year, but she declined repeatedly and had even told him how much she hated him. Ironically, they bumped into each other two years after graduating from Hogwarts.

Eleanor was surprised and happy for her friend.  "You're going to laugh at me." She stated to her friend who wanted to know her job.

"Oh no, you're not a strip dancer are you?" She asked giggling.

"I'm a tutor at Hogwarts."

Seria spit out her drink, making a scene in front of the grown men that sat at the bar. "That's just as bad as stripping Eleanor! Why would you do that to yourself? You graduated to get out of school just to go back and work there!"

"It was the only way I could see Harry." Eleanor stated and this shut Seria up.

"Does he know?" She asked

Eleanor shook her head, "He only thinks I'm his teacher, I had my name changed, remember?"

"Huh." Was all Seria said before finishing off her drink. "That's peculiar."

"What is?"

Seria rolled her eyes as if Eleanor was acting dumb, "But he definitely knows about his aunt?" Her wide blue eyes look around the room, "I work at the post, obviously I've read some of those letters you've been sending to Harry through the years—"

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