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Eleanor walked into the staff room hesitantly

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Eleanor walked into the staff room hesitantly.

Most of the Hogwarts staff members sat at the table, a few of them muttered amongst themselves and others rather quiet as their morning coffee hasn't settled in quite yet.

Eleanor sat down and continued to wonder why a staff meeting was being held out of the blue.

It was what everyone had been wondering.

"You suppose Dolores has got something to do with this?" Asked Professor Hooch who sat on Eleanors left.

"Of course she does." Came a mutter from across the table, Mcgonagall pushed up her spectacles. "The question is, is what is it about?"

A whimper came from Trelawney, her hands shaked as she held her tea, "Is she out to fire one of us? I've got a bad feeling..."

Eleanors stomach turned.

Maybe Umbridges biggest threat wasn't to reveal her name to the wizarding world, but to get her get her out of a job.

She wouldn't be able to watch over Harry.

Eleanor was brought out of her thoughts once Dumbledore had walked in. His navey blue cloak wasn't the only thing that trailed behind him, but Dolores Umbridge herself who stuck her nose up as she passed the staff members.

"Good morning my dear staff and educators," Dumbledore smiled amungst the adults, "I do apologize to call in a staff teachers meeting so early— but the council has wanted to deliver you with some news and uh..." he lost his train of thought once Dolores cleared her thoat to gain attention.

Eleanor heard a deep sigh come from from the person sitting on her right. She hasn't realized she sat next to Severus. In fact she was sure that it was Sprout she was sitting besides when she walked in, but the herbology teacher was sat across the table next to Professor Binns.

She narrowed her eyebrows before bringing her attention back to the toad faced lady.

"Morning." She hummed and expected the same response back from the staff members. Not a word nor smile was given to the dark arts teacher. This seemed to irritate the woman as she pursed her thin pink lips in a line. "Well then, I presume you know that the ministry has not only gave me the greatest pleasure of teaching at Hogwarts, but to have the greatest  responsibility as guidance to keep this school in order." She began to wall around the table, "As such, the ministry has passed educational degree 23, which clearly states that The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch, if not in proper order — the Inquisitor has the right to dismiss those... educators."

Eleanor could practically feel the woman's eyes burning holes in the back of her head.

Dolores cleared her throat, "Any questions?"

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