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Eleanor sat at the high table, watching as first year students were sorted into their houses left and right

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Eleanor sat at the high table, watching as first year students were sorted into their houses left and right.

Just as Eleanor had predicted, Seria's kids had gotten into different houses. Norman who had the tendency to push up his glasses every ten seconds had gotten into Ravenclaw. While a confident Grant had been sorted into Gryffindor. 

As more studnets were being sorted by the sorting hat, she had noticed the empty seat on her left, a seat where Remus used to be just a year prior before he had resigned.

She wondered how he was doing.

"Is there a Dark Arts teacher this year?" Eleanor turned to ask Hagrid on her right.

Hagrid had to lean down to hear her a second time, "Must be a bit late." He whispered to her.

Eleanor nodded, taking a sip of red wine.

She didn't say much during the feast, not that she was quiet on purpose. She was just too much in thought to really comprehend to what Hagrid was talking to her about. Unnoticed by him that she wasn't really paying attention about his hippogriff stories. Her head was in the clouds, thinking about the only thing that's been on her mind since she left home.

Sirius Black.

She wondered if he ended up staying at the cottage home, or if he camped out somewhere closer to Hogwarts like Hogsmeade... it sounded like something he would do.

The sound of Dumbledore clearing his throat had caught her attention. He stood over his podium, gaining the attention of everyone surrounding the room.

"Now that we are all fed and watered," Dumbledore smiled at the crowd, "I must once more give out a few announcements... Mr Filch has asked me to tell you of the forbidden objects he wishes to no longer see, which is a list of four hundred and thirty seven items, which is why, it can be viewed in Mr Filch's office to anybody who would like to check it out." He cleared his throat," It is also painful to say and to inform you that the inter-house Quidditch cup will not take place this year."

Eleanor immediately looked to Harry who shared an appalled expression with his gryffindor teammates.

There was a muttering going around the great hall.

"Quiet—This is due to an event that will be starting in october, continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of our teachers time and energy," Eleanor frowned deeply to whatever he was talking about. "But I assume you will all enjoy it immensely! I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts we will be hosting—"

At that moment a rumble of thunder had accured as the doors to the great hall banged open.

Eleanor pulled out her wand from her mustard yellow cloak.

A man stood in the doorway, leaning his wide figure on a staff. He was covered in a hood, a mysterious character he was. He began to walk towards the teachers table, every step had carried a clunk as it echoed the great hall.

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