meeting room

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England was sitting down in his chair at the world conference table finishing up some paperwork from the night before with his head down. The English nation was the only one in the office with the lights dimly lit since it was early, he heard silence until footsteps were heard as somebody enters the office switching the lights on. The Brit didn't look up at the country that stepped in, not in the mood to speak he just wishes to finish his task with no distractions.
"Good morning Angliya how are you today?" Said a very thick Russian accent asking the British nation, England doesn't look up and continues to work with bags under his eyes from not having much sleep recently.

"Good morning Russia I'm doing well, what about you? " he said with an exhausted voice presenting that the other country was tired. Russia noticed the exhaustion in his tone and grew a bit worried for England but it didn't show.

"I'm well" Russia glances down at the papers in front of England then looks back up at the other "are you doing your paperwork here? why?" Russia asked tilting his head in confusion, normally he would see England with his paperwork in a neat pile all done before the conference so this confused him.

"Yes I am, I'm doing it here because I couldn't complete it at home because America kept calling me last night" he sighs and glances up at Russia
"I see, would you like anything to drink England?" Russia asks thinking it might make things nicer for him since he felt bad for him because it was America who was calling him.
"Yes thank you for the offer, can I have some tea please" England replies with a smile he didn't have a cup of tea yet because he was rushing this morning so he's been yearning for the drink since he got into the conference room. Russia blushes slightly because he had a crush on the country ever since they became Allies, Russia adores him for being the former British Empire when he used to rule the world with a cold heart but he respects his kindness towards those who need it, Russia couldn't help but appreciate the Brit. Russia turns and walks to the small yet neat kitchen to prepare the cup of tea for the other country. England plops his head on the table in frustration his work was becoming overbearing but he had to get it done. Russia walks back in with a cup of tea in hand and taps England shoulder to get his attention. England looks up and smiles again taking the cup from Russia's hands glad that he had the drink.

"Thank you, Russia" England takes a sip of the tea with a smile on his face loving the taste of his drink. Russia sits down next to him and rests his head in his palm on the table staring at England with a small smile on his face, Russia cherished it when England smiles and when he was the reason made him love it even more, he desired he could see it all the time but a lass England doesn't smile that often. They both hear voices outside the door, England puts his paperwork away in his satchel that he brought with him. They waited and then others to walk in. America was the first to open the door having his goofy grin on his face. America walks to his chair which was at the rear of the table next to England. Russia gets up from the chair he was in and walks over to the one he was told to sit. The other countries walk it sits where they were told then waits for the conference to start. As it starts France who was sitting next to England was irritating him by calling him names. The frustration was showing on England's face and Russia noticed not liking that France was disturbing his sunflower so he spoke up.
"France can you stop annoying England, he's attempting to work," Russia said sweetly so he didn't sound rude.
"If Eyebrows was annoyed wouldn't he say something? "France said with a smug look on his face.
England utters profanity's under his breath he wanted to say something but he had to work. Through the entirety of the meeting, Russia kept checking if England was alright as he seemed off but Russia couldn't figure out what it was. Once the conference finally finished for a break everyone left to get food but England remained in his chair glaring down at his lap. Russia was about to leave but he glanced behind him to see England not looking so well so he walks over and sits next to him.
"Anglia how are you feeling? " Russia asks with a concerned expression wanting to know why England looked so down.

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