some more demon/angel

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hi, please consider becoming my patron, if you want. my patreon is it would be the world to me, but of course if you can't, then i won't force you! i just really need some money and i write a lot so i figured i'd put them together.

i'll still post majority of the fics here and on tumblr. (in fact i posted the previous demon/angel blurb everywhere except tumblr just because i really wanted people to read it) and i just posted a 6k word fic about harry and his girlfriend sharing a child even though they're broken up. some fics will not be posted on other platforms and be patron only, so consider it if you'd like. it's $5 per month. thank you :)


Anonymous asked: Demon!harry and angel!reader r in love and her wings are super sensitive and she lets him touch them for the first time and it's all cute and she's all whimpering and whiney because it feels good and he's amazed ok bye

Her wings are so much more softer and lightweight than Harry's so it's only natural that he's taken a slight interest in them. And by slight, he means he's constantly thinking about how her feathers might feel between his fingers. He knows they're soft. He's secretly let his thumb and index finger run over a stray feather that she'd shed, only when she wasn't looking, and basked in the feeling, imagining how heavenly he might feel with those wings in his arms, all sensitive and twitching. That's the closest he's ever felt to wanting heaven.

For some reason, her wings are the most sensitive part of her. It's quite different than Harry because of his thick, coarse wings that beat down on him, wing bones heavy and lacking in comfort. He knows his own wings provide little for his girl. Harry hates tucking in his wings, flaunting the little red streaks that have every few feathers, however she's the opposite. Her wings are constantly tucked in between her shoulder blades, hidden under her shirt, one small rip away from exposing themselves to him.

It's quite a sight when her wings are extended, but it's not a common sight. Plus, it's a sensitive topic, so he doesn't bring it up a lot.

Until one day he can't take it anymore. He can't take how breathtaking she looks coming out of the bathroom with her hair still wet and dripping, walking on her heels to make sure her toes didn't touch the cold floor. It's frustrating, really, how little she lets him do to her, caught up in her own little world, not catching his lustful eyes that are watching her every movement.

"Love," he says in a strangled sort of voice. "'S my shirt, innit?"

She looks at him and send him a sweet smile that melts away his frozen heart. "Yeah, I didn't really pack for an overnight stay. So I stole one from your closet. Haven't really got bottoms either so, uh, I guess it's just my underwear for the night."

"Stealing now, huh?" he scoffs playfully, smirking. "Reckon I'm not a good influence on you."

He's on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his elbows, letting his eyes wander over her body. His legs are slightly open and if she takes a closer look at him, she'll notice how excited he's becoming, listening to her shower and watching her slip out of the bathroom looking so clean and easy to ruin. Her own wings give a little twitch.

"You don't mind though," she reminds him gently, sweeping her hair to one side, letting it dangle over her shoulder. The ends of her tendrils drip a few times until there's a wet spot right beneath her breast, and Harry nearly lets out a growl at the sight. "Do you?"

"Of course not, baby," he grits out, pushing himself off his arms, patting his thighs gently. "C'mere."

She makes her way over to him, pushing her hair behind her ear as she sits herself down, letting him wrap his arms around her waist, looking up at her with so much love in his eyes, it's radiating off of him. She feels the magnetic heat that's flying off of his skin and touching hers so gently and cautiously as if she's going to break.

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