35 Things (Angst/Breakup Version)

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Coucou! Before we get into this, I wanted to say something. This book of fics has exceeded 100k reads and I saw this yesterday, yet I still can't wrap my head around it. The amount of feedback has increasingly become more frequent and it makes me so so happy that people continue to read what I write. This means so much. Thank you for giving my writing a chance.

As always, happy reading :) I recommend listening to Falling and Cherry to get the....uh....full experience. 


Harry's eyes go soft, brows separating and shoulders slumping when her voice gets thicker during a fight, tears in her eyes, and he knows she's not only angry, but also painfully hurt. He wants to hold her, but he's conflicted. Should he prove he's right or give in simply because she's beginning to cry?

He squeezes her hard after a lengthy fight. When she doesn't return the hug, he tightens his arms to get some sort of response at her. He can't take her silence. He'd rather have her yelling at him. Eventually, he backs away when she exclaims, "Let me go! You can't just fix it with a hug!" to which he dejectedly whispers, "I'm sorry" over and over again, giving her space. He never truly knows what to do in situations like this.

Neither of them like to raise their voice often, so when one of them does, it results in the other person quieting and saying calmly, "Don't raise your voice at me." However, sometimes his girl is too angry in the argument, so Harry only listens to her with narrowed eyes and when she finishes, he says, "Now say that all to me again. Quietly or I'm walking away from this argument."

He listens to his girlfriend softly weep because of their fight from the guest room because the walls are thin. He's staring at the ceiling angrily, so upset that he has the ability to make her cry. When he can't take it anymore, he steps out of the room, grabs a full glass of water and heads over to their room. He places the water on the side table and slips into bed with her, holding her tightly, whispering his apologies into her hair. ("Can yell at me all you want tomorrow, but right now, please, no more crying.")

His eyes go desperately wide when she begins the "Break Up Talk" that he's listened to too many times before her. The same tone, the same "I care about you a lot but..." He lunges forward and shakes his head, pulling her into an embrace. "No," he whimpers, trembling, voice shot. "Not you too. Not you, please no." It couldn't be her! She promised it wouldn't be her.

He stands in the doorway of their room, freshly broken up with, arms crossed over his torso protectively. He watches her silently pack her suitcase, tears stinging in his eyes until he forces himself to move. He steps into the room and goes over to her drawers, opening one up to retrieve her sleepwear. He carries them over to her, sniffling, "Here. Let me help you, baby." (She argues that he really doesn't have to himself through this, but he insists because he wants to spend as much time as possible with her. Even when she's walking out of his life.)

As she packs her suitcase and he can't bear helping her out anymore, he says quietly from the edge of the bed, "Can I keep that?" It's an oversized sweater that he wears more than her, and she hands it over willingly.

Harry holds her tightly as he slowly thrusts into her bare, tears in his eyes that he's trying his hardest to keep at bay because he knows that this is the last time they'll be so intimate. He feels her clutch him to her chest and then he can't hold it back. He's imploring her, "Please, baby...Please?" He doesn't know what he's asking for and she doesn't either. They both moan softly and unable to accept the feeling of being together one last time, holding onto each other.

Post break up sex, he's running his hand through her hair as she begins to fall asleep. He can't take his eyes off of her, wondering if he'll ever see her like this again in her glow, naked and wrapped in his sheets. "Love you," he whispers, because anything above a whisper will be shaky. His throat tightens. "Do you know that? Do you know how much?I don't think you do."

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