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It's Everleigh's 4th birthday, which is crazy to think that my little girl is 4

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It's Everleigh's 4th birthday, which is crazy to think that my little girl is 4. We're all in New Hampshire now. By we I mean, me, Ev, Tom and my family. Sense the day Everleigh sleepily called Tom dad and we talked about it with her she hadn't gone back to calling him Tom.

It's been difficult, Because Tom left to film a movie, even though he was in the states, we still didn't see him much. I got a job to hopefully move out of my parents place maybe in with Tom. We've talked about it a little but not much because we haven't really seen each other in person and we both think it's a conversation to talk about in person.

"Happy birthday baby girl." I say, walking into her room with Tom behind me. My now 4 year old looks up to me and smiles. She holds out her arms to be picked up. I lift her up and hug her. Her little arms and legs wrapped tightly around me.

"Thank you mommy." She says burring her face into my neck. Tom stands besides us with a hand on my lower back and one hand on Everleigh's head. I see him press a kiss to it. She lifts her head up and reaches out for him.

"Happy birthday lovey." Tom says holding her close.

"Thank you daddy." Ev says muffled by Tom's shoulder.

I smile at the two of them. For only knowing him a year and dating him for 6 months i never thought my daughter would be calling him dad.

Tom sets her down and we go downstairs to find my parents making her funfetti pancakes.

"Happy birthday Everleigh!" My mom says and opens her arms for Ev who runs right into them. My mom picks her up and spins her around. Everleigh laughs and clings onto her grandma. Tom stands behind me and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my cheek and we watch Ev interact with her grandparents.

"I love you and our daughter." Tom says in my ear. Making me smile.

"Me too." I say and look back at him.

We eat the pancakes my dad made and then got ready for the day. Everleigh just wanting to go to the park. Even though it's freezing and snowing, that's what she wanted to do. We bundle her up and ourselves. I put a couple sleds in the car and we drive to the park.

Watching Everleigh walk with a waddle is funny. She had her hood up and makes her looks like a little eskimo. Me and Tom laugh at her. She almost trips but Tom catches her.

"Thank you Daddy." She says. Tom then picks her up to walk the rest of the way to the sledding hill. There are a couple families there, some teenaged couples. "I wanna go down the hill!" Everleigh wiggles out of Tom's arms.

"Okay. Do you want to go with me or daddy?" I ask her. Bending down to her level.

"You then daddy. Daddy pushes us though."

"Alright. Let's go!" I take her hand go to the edge of the hill sit on the sled and have Ev sit in front and I hold on to her. Tom places his hands on my back.

"Ready?" He ask.

"Push us daddy!" Everleigh beams.

"Okay. 3... 2..."


"... 1!"

Tom gives us a light push but hard enough for us to go down the sledding hill. I squeeze Everleigh right as she laughs. We made it to the end and I look at my daughter who has the brightest smile on her face.

"Did you have fun?" I ask her.

"Yeah! I want to go again!" She says.

"Okay, let's go back up."

"We have to walk?"

"Yeah sweetie. You'll live, I promise." I take her hand and we start our trek back up the hill. Once getting at the top Ev runs over to Tom.

"Your turn!" She exclaims at him.

"Okay let's go!" He says take her hand and the sled from mine.

For the next 45 minutes we take turns going down the hill with her till she gets tired and wants to go home.

"Mommy i'm sleepy." Ev says.

I pick her up and hold her in my hip. "Okay baby. Let's go."

She rest her head in my shoulder and we walk back to the car. Everleigh falls asleep during the ride. Tom  carries her in and lays her down and we go back downstairs and sit on the couch with my parents.

"You know, Everleigh starts school next year." My mom says.

"I know." I tell her picking at my sweater. I feel Tom's hand pull me closer to him.

"Have you thought about the schools in the district?"

"Me and Tom are talking about moving in together. I mean. He's Ev's dad. And It makes sense. To live together."


"Haven't figured that out yet."

"Well honey you need too."

"I know we will. Let's just get through her birthday." I stand up and go upstairs to my room. I hear Tom follow and I sit on my bed. He sits with me and wraps his arms around me.

"What's up?" He ask, kissing my head.

"My mom throwing all this Kindergarten and where we're moving stuff on me. It's a lot." I tell him laying down and pulling him with me.

"Well it's something we need to think about." He moves a hair out of my face.

"I know. Here or London or LA. She's going to school and I don't like being away from her."

"I know love. But you have to let her go eventually. She's going to go out into the world and find a boy or girl. And will have her own kids..."

"She's 4 Tom."

"I know. Just telling you what's going to happen eventually."

"Yeah. I don't want to think about that. She's still my baby girl."

"She'll always be your baby girl."

I burry my face in his chest and we stay there till we hear little feet hitting the floor and my door opens.

"I wanna cuddle!" Our daughter says crawling into the bed and wedging herself between us. We both smile at her as she looks up.

Tom's right not matter how many birthday's she has shell always be my baby girl.

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