The best gift ever

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The night was cold and windy, there were no stars that night, just the moon giving off little light because of its half form.

Syaoran Li, the youngest in the Li clan and the only son, was busy writting away into the night. He should be doing his homework, but he was too busy writting a love letter for one girl who rocked his world. It was very late that night, his digital clock showed him it was 10:45 in the evening but he could careless.

This letter was much more important then sleep or his homework. Even though he knows he'll have a hard time waking up in the early mornings to get to school in time.

"You're the first and last girl to have ever made me feel so fluttery and tingling Sakura, and I love it whenever I hear you if you'd do me the honor of forget it! This is too cliche! And simple!" Syaoran yelled in rage crumpling up the paper and tossing it to the bin for what felt like the millionth time.

He was fiftheen years old, going to junior high, he's very popular with the girls at school and even more well known for his sports, his academics, and the fact he's never lost a fight. He could beat up four or five guys and end up victorious, heck, just make sure his love, Sakura, was there watching him then his motivations will risen up a hundred percent he could probably beat up ten more.

He was also a skilled swordsman. Taking fencing classes everyday after school and on sundays. He's been also taking archery lessons too.

Yes he was very impressive, and if that wasn't enough, he was filthy rich!

But no, he still doubts himself, he thinks that he still isn't worthy enough for his princess' hand. Who's his princess? Well obviously the lucky girl he's been desperately trying to impress and is desperately writting a love letter to. Sakura Kinimoto.

He's always felt this way since they were nine years old. Now fiftheen his feelings never changed.

"Ok, lets try this again" He murmured got a new clean sheet of paper and started to write

Dear Sakura

You are so beautiful, just the mere scent of you makes me go nuts!

"What?! No this is too weird!" He groaned.

Dear Sakura

You're hair is winter fire, January embers, my heart burns there too

"WAIT WHY DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?!? Urgh, next!" crumpling the two previously written barely three sentences paper, he tossed them again to the bin. But the he realized, he's run out of paper.

"DAMN IT!!!!!!!" he screamed not realizing it could wake up everyone in the house

And in fact it did. His sisters and mother all bursted into his room looking furious, which was rare considering they always had this calm, uncaring look on them



The next morning, Syaoran was already walking to school with a headache. He already expected that bacause he was up late last night.

And to top it off, he was hearing voices


That voice, could it be?


Nah, couldn't be, he was probabbly imagining things


The voice was getting louder and louder, he was getting annoyed right now. Because he kept thinking of his beautiful Sakura his brain started playing tricks on him

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