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Tsundere Sakura x Syoran shorts


Sakura clutched the plastic bag of cookies closer to her chest. Her heart was hammering with excitement and nervousness, it only increased when she saw the boy she had a crush on---he was also the boy she hits all the time.

"Oh, hey Sakura! Good morning" he greets, waving a friendly wave at her, a smile present on his handsome face.

Instantly Sakura's entire face turned beet red. "Nope" she thought. "Can't do this"

Noticing Sakura's flushed face Syaoran became worried, so he stepped closer and touched her forehead to feel her temperature. "Are you okay Sakura? Your face is hot" he asked in concern.

"Y-yea thanks to you" she muttered. 

Syaoran blinked. "Sorry can you repeat that? Didn't quite caught it"

Sakura took a deep breath, looking down at her shoes she shoved the bag of cookies in his hands. "I...I uh, baked some cookies last night and had some left so...here you go"

Syaoran smiled and took the bag. "Thanks, these look super great!" he complimented, checking out the tasty looking treats.

Defensively Sakura turned even redder and sputtered out: "B-but don't get the wrong idea! I only gave you some because I had leftovers"

"Um...I wasn't thinking that" Syaoran mutters.

"It's not b-because I like you or anything, got it?!" Sakura's face was so red she looked like a tomatoe right now.

Syaoran just stood there blinking. "Uhh...I didn't think that either. Look if you want, you can have them back"

Sakura scoffed, still beet red. "W--w-why would I take them back? You've already dirtied the bag with your hands. There's no way I'll take them back now"


"Okay that was just plain rude. But I'll be sure to enjoy them" Syaoran offered a polite smile, wanting to just get out of there.

"D-don't expect me to do this all the time got it?! You're such an idiot!" She slapped the poor confused boy across the face. "What the heck?!" Syaoran touched his cheek which had a hand print. "I don't even want these anymore!"

"IDIOT!" Sakura squeels before high tailing away from there.


"Sakura, hey Sakura!" Tomoyo called, tapping her best friend on the shoulder.

Sakura sighed before looking behind her to see her all-smiles-best friend Tomoyo. "What is it Tomoyo?" she asked.

Tomoyo beamed at her before taking out a box of pocky from her pocket. "Want to play a game of pocky?"

Sakura's eyes emmidietly widened. "No! No way of course not! Sorry no offense Tomoyo but I don't---"

Tomoyo flicked her forehead.

"Owe!" Sakura cried. "Why did you do that Tomoyo?!" the brunette demanded.

"You won't be doing this with me" Tomoyo crossed her arms. "Instead..." she stepped aside to reveal the star player of the basketball team Syaoran, walking towards them with his cousin Eriol.

Sakura's eyes widened and she blushed deep red.

She's known Syaoran since fourth grade and.....well they don't have a nice relationship. The boy was very nice and caring, considerate and sweet. But Sakura wasn't good with handling her feelings and every time he's around she becomes a stuttering, blushing mess.

To hide her feelings from the boy, she acted uncaring and mean to him. Typical Tsundere.

Well it wasn't like she had to. Because Syaoran was too dense to notice her blushing behaviour.

Everyone at the schook knows Sakura's crush on Syaoran, and find her 'Tsundere' behaviour amusing.

Tomoyo smirks and nudges her stiff best friend. "Say hello to Syaoran and Eriol Sakura"

Instead of doing that though, when Syaoran stood infront of her the brunette girl crossed her arms and demanded. "W-what are you doing here?!"

Eriol resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and pushed his dense cousin towards the girl.

Tomoyo smiles slyly and pushed her best friend forward.

"Uhh..." Syaoran trails.

"You don't own the street Kinimoto" Eriol said.

"Well I know that...just" Sakura refused to look at Syaoran, not wanting to make a foold of herself infront of him.

"Syaoran and Sakura, you two will play a game of pocky!" Tomoyo whips out her box. She added quickly. "And you can't say no. Because if you refuse..." a shadow casted over her eyes, and she emitted a dark aura. "Well...."

"WE'LL PLAY!" Syaoran and Sakura both yell in fear.

Tomoyo giggles and takes out a pocky stick. But before she could give it to them---

"There you go" Eriol deadpanned and pushed Syaoran hard enough for him to stumble, lose his balance, and fall ontop of Sakura.

Sakura balanced them though, preventing them both from falling on top of one another on the pavement.

Tomoyo gasps, Eriol smiles.

"Wh-why...but...Eriol why?!" Tomoyo whinnes gripping on the box of pocky sticks. Eriol shrugged. "That was what you wanted right? Well congrats, they kissed" 

Tomoyo blinks. Well...he did had a---

"IDIOT!!!" Sakura screams pushing Syaoran off of her and roundhouse kicked him to the sky.

Eriol and Tomoyo sweatdropped. "That was a bit much don't you think?" Tomoyo asked.

Eriol shrugged. "Tsunderes will be Tsunderes"

"E-eh?!" Sakura turned to Eriol and Tomoyo. "I-I-I-I did 't like the kiss if that's what you're thinking p-puh-lease it wasn't th-that good heck I hate it! I hate it that he stole my first kiss! And I'm definitely gonna brush mu teeth later and wash my mouth with b-bleach okay?! I'm doing that! I-I didn't like the kiss!" as she stammered over her words her face kept getting redder and redder.

Eriol and Tomoyo looked at each other. "Oh suuure" they both thought. "Didn't like the kiss....definitely" the two smirked at their blushing friend.

Syaoran x Sakura One Shots(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now