Little do you know

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Bully SyaoranXBullied crippled Sakura


There was a commotion going on at class. A new transfer student from Hongkong was coming.

A young girl with short brown hair and big pretty green eyes sat in her seat at the back of the classroom, gazing out the window. Her crutch lay at her feet. Her left leg was lame while her right was perfectly normal. She had an accident last year which crippled her left leg. Even so, that did not made her feel too bad, she was still full of light and optimism.

Their teacher cleared his throat to silence the class. "Everyone, I would like you all to meet your new classmate, his name is---"

The door slid open and there enters a young boy a year older then Sakura. About ten years old, he had chocolate brown eyes that matches his hair.

"Syaoran Li, treat him well" The teacher finnishes.

Sakura took notice of the boy. He was frowning, and seemed to be looking at her direction. His eyes bore into her which made her uncomfortable. But then his eyes moved to her crutch, and he gaved a smile. Or rather, a mischivious grin.

"Nice to meet you all" He said.

The teacher smiled and then began to scan the room for empty chairs. "Ah go sit behind Kinimoto, she's the one with the crutch over there. The poor girl had a bad accident last year" He gaved a tsk in pity.

Syaoran nodded and began making his way towards the desk behind Sakura. When he passed her he smiled warmly that Sakura relaxed a little.

The lesson continued but, the entire class Sakura felt being stared at. And everytime she looks behind her she sees Syaoran Li staring at the back of her head with a look that spelled trauble all over it.


When the class ended, Sakura bend to pick up her crutch but a hand beat her to it. She looked up in surprise to see Syaoran examining her crutch as if in interest. "Which leg is your crippled one?" he asks.

Sakura shyly pointed to her left and reached a hand for her crutch back.

"You want your crutch back?" he asked smilling kindly. Sakura beamed at him, but her happy smile dissapeared and she released a gasp when he threw it out the window laughing. Everyone else had left for second period so it was just them alone.

"Why did you do that?" Sakura demanded angrily.

Hearing her angry tone Syaoran glared at her, so she shut up. "If you want it back, go get it yourself" he shot. Sakura shook her head. "But I can't walk"

"You can limp can you?" he chuckles before grabbing his bag and exiting the room. But before that he faced the crippled girl. "Oh yea, and not a word about this or else" he threatenned.

Sakura watched him leave, when she was sure he was gone she slowly stood up and began to walk encridibly slow outside the classroom, dragging her injured leg, limping all the way to the hall and then reaching the stairs and staring down.

She gulped nervously. This will take forever.


The weeks flew by and Syaoran never left Sakura alone. He was nice to her infront of other people, but when no one else was around he bullies her. He takes her lunch and dumps it in the trash, he steals her crutch and hides it from her. He laughs when she's limping to get her crutch back, and pulls her hair every now and then.

Whenever she's close to tears he pinches her cheeks irritatingly and calls her a crybaby.

Of course, Sakura never told anyone for fear of angering Syoaran. So she just sits quietly and lets him have his way.

Syaoran x Sakura One Shots(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now