Speed limit

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Doyoung was skipping history when he spotted Jungwoo in the student council room. He was sitting at the desk with a huge stack of papers in front of him. He had his hands over his eyes and his shoulders shook every time he took a breath. Doyoung had an internal battle for about a minute before deciding to check on him.

He gently knocked on the open door and Jungwoo snapped his head towards him. He wiped a tear from his face and stared at him.
"You okay?" Doyoung asked. Jungwoo just shook his head. "Do you want to talk about it."
"Not right now." Jungwoo took a deep breath.
"That's a big stack of papers, take a break?" Doyoung gestured to the stack and Jungwoo didn't hesitate to scramble away from the desk.

They silently walked out to the parking lot and out to the baseball field. The older of the two had his hands shoved in his pockets and was trying to figure out something they could do.

"Do you wanna ditch?" Doyoung asked.

"Oh, I couldn't-"

"You seem like you need it though. Are you more of a downtown guy or a beach guy?"


"Park guy? We could go mini golfing? Oh! My cousin works at the aquarium, I could ask her to get us in for free-a great price I gotta say-" he got a little over excited thinking about everything they could do.

"Doyoung," Jungwoo stopped him and sighed, "I'd love to but I have so much stuff to do."

"Okay but that's the point. You're drowning in work and I'm helping you. Let me help you, Jungwoo." Doyoung smiled and sent a quick text. Jungwoo gave up and just let him do his thing.

"Taeyong just lets you borrow his car?"
"Oh, no I usually have to do a lotta begging but he didn't get much sleep last night." Doyoung shrugged as he sped up at a yellow light.
"You remember what he said right?" Shutting his eyes tight, Jungwoo grabbed his seatbelt and the ceiling handle.
"Yeah yeah, 'don't wreck it you stupid asshole'" He answered in a nagging tone. Doyoung made a sharp turn and laughed as he was honked at.
"I'm gonna die today. Oh fuck, I'm seriously gonna die." The younger boy shut his eyes tight and squeezed the handle until his knuckles turned white.
"Haha! You'll be fine. Here, I'll slow down." Doyoung grinned and slowed down a bit. Jungwoo calmed down when the dial reached the speed limit.
"Thank you."
"Want to see a movie? My older brother works there, he'll let me in for free."
"Can't he get fired for that?"
"Well...yeah. But it's chill don't worry about it." Doyoung shrugged as he parked. He hopped out and opened Jungwoos door for him as he unbuckled.
"Thanks-oh my god you were driving without a seatbelt you absolute lunatic."
"Okay but did we die?"
"No but-"
"No but nothing then." Doyoung sighed as he grabbed his wrist as he dragged him inside and to the concession stand. He bought a popcorn to share and two sodas. He dragged him all the way to a random theater.

Apparently it was a movie on its way out of theaters since it stayed empty throughout the trailers. It was just the two of them being loud together during a shitty movie.

"He's totally cheating on her. Leave him."

"If they kill that dog I'm gonna lose my mind."

"Oh! He's a murderer too! Leave him!"

"Okay, that's just gross they didn't need to do all that."

"Look at the tits on that fucking tree."

"I'm gonna call the police on whoever wrote this movie."

"This movie only gets a 2/10. One point for the dog and one point for the titty tree."

The walked back to the car, a bit of a spring finally in Jungwoos step, and drove off somewhere else. He heckled the older until he put on his seatbelt and booed him until he went the speed limit.
"Listen safety police I know how to drive."
"If I was the safety police I'd arrest you immediately and have you sent to prison, do you know how many laws-"
"I live on the edge bitch!" He sped through a yellow light and Jungwoo shrieked. His fear quickly turned into amusement when they turned the corner and were forced to slow down because of traffic.
"Glad you follow the laws against vehicular manslaughter." Jungwoo shook his head. Doyoung rolled his eyes with a smile.
"It's more of a moral thing but, if I could drive on the sidewalk without hurting anyone I totally would because this," he honked twice, "is bullshit."

By the time the traffic cleared up and they made it to the beach, the sun was beginning to set. They had parked and were looking out at the ocean.
"I didn't realize that it was getting so late." Doyoung said, leaning against the hood of the car.
"Me neither. I've been having a lot of fun."
"We didn't do much."
"This is the most I've ever done in my life. The craziest thing I've ever done before this was get a full 8 hours of sleep." Jungwoo said.
"I'm glad you had fun."

There was a beat of silence.

"This means a lot to me. I was having a rough time today. I'm technically student council secretary and parliamentarian but I also have to be historian because Ten wanted to do it but he wasn't consistent and I didn't want to upset Johnny when he asked if I could do it instead. I'm also kind of treasurer because Chenle is having second thoughts and he asked me to help him and I couldn't say no. And now that Donghyuck and Taeil are gone I just...I've just got so much shit to do and not enough time or the mental capacity to do all of this. So, thank you for today."

"You can't let people dump their shit on you. You're not a trash bag. You're too good for that." Doyoung nudged him with his shoulder.

"Thanks, Doyoung. I'll try to remember that for next time." Jungwoo smiled and looked up at the setting sun. The view was breathtaking.

As the sky faded from orange to black and the stars appeared they decided to go. Doyoung (safely) drove Jungwoo back home.
"If you ever need another day like this, come find me." Doyoung smiled as Jungwoo undid his seatbelt. He thanked the older boy one last time and went inside. Doyoung sat there for a moment before heading over to Taeyong's house to return his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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