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"Was it one of you?" Johnny asked, breaking silence. The rest of the student council tore their eyes away from their phones.
"The meme?" Renjun asked.
"No who left shit on the floor? Of course I'm talking about the meme!"
"John. You're yelling. It's just a picture there's no need to be so upset." Kun reassured -or at least tried to- the angry giant.
"I'm upset because it's about us. I just don't want- there's a lot of things I don't want people to know but...what am I trying to say?"
"We don't know Johnny...we never do." Chenle looked at the ground dejectedly.
Suddenly, the door flew open. It was Ten.
"There's another!" The council members stood and all followed Ten to the cafeteria. On the news board there was another meme. This one was another porn still, this one of a woman wiping something (probably cum) from her eye with the text 'STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT BE LIKE' and the woman was labeled president and there was an arrow pointing off the page, presumably at whoever nutted in her eye, labeled teacher. Word had already spread like some kind of disease that it had been posted and students were flocking to see it. However, one group of people were nowhere to be seen.

Johnny, filled with rage, ripped the paper off the board and marched straight to the front office. He practically kicked the door open. "Eunhyuk! Look at this garbage!" Eunhyuk, the receptionist and sponsor for some clubs that required adult supervision, looked up and adjusted his glasses. He pursed his lips as if he was trying not to laugh and cleared his throat. "It's not funny! I want them disbanded and expelled! All nine of those dirty morons!" The rest of the council minus two stood behind him, slightly embarrassed at their leaders outburst and a little angry that he'd been made fun of.
"I'll talk to the principal about it. You won't have to worry, I promise." Eunhyuk gave Johnny an okay symbol and he got back to doing whatever he was doing on his laptop. Probably solitaire.

Johnny cooled off as they returned to the club room to find Taeil swinging his legs in the spinny chair.
"Sorry I'm late. I was practicing pronunciation with someone and we lost track of time. What's wrong?" He apologized and tilted his head at the group.
"From this moment forward if I or anyone else sees you hanging out with them you will be kicked off student council and all of your personal information will be released. " Johnny leaned up against the wall, still fuming a bit.
"Isn't that a little too harsh. What if we have classes together?" Jungwoo asked.
"Don't breathe in their direction. Unless they fess up or you've been partnered with them."
"I have to tutor one." Renjun spoke up.
"Let him fail."
"Johnny, you're being irrational." Taeil frowned at the thought of intentionally doing that to someone. It didn't sit right.
"Everyone in that club is a brainless idiot that deserves to be expelled." His anger was incessant. The other present members grew tired of it and let him be angry. He was the president after all.

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