They did what?

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(I'll say it now it gets a little ((a lot)) over the top in this chapter but it won't stay like that for long.)

Taeyong couldn't believe his eyes. He had to walk away and come back. There was no way that picture was real. Absolutely no way. He was shocked and angry. He had already heard names being thrown around to refer to them. The list included 'delinquent dick suckers' 'freeloading faggots' 'disgusting boys' 'prostate punchers' 'princesses' and it goes on and on. He couldn't take it anymore. He spared it one last glance before calling everyone to the club room. Taeyong quickly did a headcount and panicked when he didn't see Jeno or Jaemin.
"Where are they? Get up go out and find them!Sicheng, stay here in case they show up." He waved everyone out of the room and they ran around every hall trying to find them.

Jaemin was found by Jaehyun. He was in some kind of makeshift mob and they were all yelling and hitting-it was chaos to put it simply. Jaehyun broke through the crowd and was able to grab his wrist and drag him out. The students chased them all the way back to the club room. They slid inside the doors and Sicheng locked them.
"Woah." Was the only word that came to mind. Jaemin's nose was bleeding and he already had a welt around his eye along with scratches all over him. He had started crying once the shock faded.
"What did I do?" He looked up at the ceiling from his spot on the floor trying to compose himself. Jaehyun took a deep breath before explaining the situation. "We never kissed? Show me the picture!" Jaehyun scrolled through his messages as he looked for the picture and cringed when he saw it. Jaemin frowned and shut his eyes. "They wrote on me. They fucking cut me, look!" Jaemin turned his elbow over to show eight red and bloody lines that read 'DIE' in big blocky letters. He looked up at the ceiling and back to the floor and tried to stop thinking. He was so overwhelmed by everything and in the moment he wished he could just disappear.

Things were different on the east side of the school. Doyoung and Yukhei found Jeno wielding a fire extinguisher and yelling incoherently. The football, basketball, and lacrosse team had all ganged up on him. The two that found him knew what Jeno would and wouldn't do but in a situation like this all logic goes out the window. He had a fire extinguisher in his hands for fucks sake!
"Back the fuck up!" The first understandable thing hat came out of his mouth. All the other boys were barking out derogatory insults and other ignorant slurs but they fell on deaf ears. He was so confused and scared everything looked hazy.
"We heard you the first eight times faggot!" That one got through to him. You could see the moment he heard it too. He used the fire extinguisher as if it were a battering ram and charged straight towards the guy and they both fell to the ground. The football players head made contact with the ground and suddenly the whole team was going for it. Doyoung and Yukhei jumped in at some point and it was just a mass of flying limbs and screaming. Security showed up and pulled everyone apart, dragging those who hadn't managed to run away to the office.

Doyoung received a one week suspension and two week detention afterwards. Yukhei also got a one week suspension and two week detention, with the counselors not bothering to hear their side of the story at all. It didn't matter if they were wrong or right their file was too full for them to take a second look. The sports players that were caught each got a one week detention. Jeno was brought in last so they could see if all the stories matched up.

"Lee Jeno. You seem to like to fight. You broke a kids nose, another's jaw, and severely damaged a hand and a leg all within the last three years and today you gave a kid a concussion. What happened?" The counselor asked.
"I don't know. I was at my locker getting my chemistry notes and they all surrounded me and started calling me a faggot and stuff so I got scared because they're like, big dudes and I was being surrounded. I figured I'd have to use something because you can't just punch your way out of that so I grabbed the fire extinguisher and I was telling them to get away- I didn't do anything they approached me- and this- number 42 I'll never forget his voice he said 'we heard you the first eight times faggot' and maybe it was just the way he said it or maybe how many times it was being said at the moment but that made me snap but, gosh I really hope I broke his testicles that asshole doesn't need his genes spread. Anyway, I took him down and Everyone just started pushing and shoving and punching and kicking and then I was being pulled away. I still don't know what I did to warrant any of this. Do you know?" Jeno sighed as he finished talking, the adrenaline finally wearing off.
"You really don't?" Jeno shook his head and the counselor grimaced. "You know the bulletin board bandit? There was a photo of you and Na Jaemin kissing."
"What? We don't-what? We haven't-I'm sorry?" He was confused as hell. They haven't kissed.
"Here's the picture. Everyone's seen it."
"I'm dead. I have to transfer. Excuse my language but what the actual fuck. "
"What do I do?"
"The best thing you could do is just tough it out. If you transfer they'll probably find you. It's been posted all over social media. Instagram and Snapchat mainly. The fights already been uploaded to YouTube. You know how kids are. I'd say the best thing for you to do if figure out how to cope with being-hear me out- a victim of bullying. I know that sounds bad but if we make a special announcement it'll make you stand out more. Probably. We've never been though a situation like this. Our methods for dealing with this kind of thing are no match for the advancements in technology. If you stick it out you-hear me out- might be put on a pedestal for being the kid that stuck around despite all the 'haters'"
"I just want to go home sir." Jeno didn't process the bullshit he just heard.
"We called your mother and she said she's on her way. I'm sorry about this whole thing and if you need someone to talk to me and the other counselors are here for you."

(Aaaahhh idk how to deal with bullying! I (thank GoD) have never had to deal with it first hand so I'm sorry in advance if this is extremely ridiculous. I'd also like to apologize if this is offensive in any way that was not my intention I just wanted the story to progress)

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