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Sapphire, Legacy, and Poe knelled before Kylo as Storm Troopers surrounded them. Kylo crouched down to get a better look at his new prisoners

"So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" Poe started

"Who cares about that how do you breathe in that thing?" Sapphire questioned as Kylo turned toward her. When she noticed she had his attention she smiled again trying to relive the tension. Legacy rolled her eyes silently begging them to shut up. Poe looked at his sister a smile across his face.

"The old man gave it to you." Kylo spoke

"It's just very hard to understand you with all the... apparatus." Poe said waving his hand across his face

"Search them." Kylo said as the storm troopers pulled the three to their feet.

"We found this lightsaber but other then that nothing sir." The storm trooper spoke as they held up Legacy's saber

"Take it and put them on board." The storm troopers began pulling the three toward the ship.

"You changed." Legacy said just above a whisper as her and Kylo made eye contact. Just as they where entering the ship Legacy heard the blaster fire behind her as tears brimmed her eyes once more the feeling of death weaking her slightly.

She fell limp but before she hit the ground the Troopers pulled her back to her feet continuing to drag her along. Before they knew it they landed on Star Killer base. The three where pulled along. Poe and Sapphire looked around amazed by their surroundings while Legacy keep her head down trying to hold back more tears.

Kylo emerged from within the smoke entering the cell his three prisoners had been locked away in. Legacy could feel the fear from her friends as the masked boy walked closer.

Legacy was as calm and collect as she could be in that moment. She feared Kylo in a way no one else really did, she didn't fear his mask or his animatronic voice, she feared the face of the man under the mask. The face of the man who was her best friend, her cousin, the only person who she ever considered her brother. She feared Kylo yes, but she feared Ben Solo more.

"Great you again" Sapphire said under her breath. She didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe she was actually captured by Kylo Ren

Kylo turned his head, looking at Sapphire through his mask. The two stared at each other until Kylo finally turned his head to Poe.

"I didn't know I had the Resistance greatest pilot, and what his.... Baby sister?" Kylo then turned toward Legacy.

"And of course Legacy. Your pull to the dark side is just as strong as it was the day I left."

"Shut up." Legacy whispered

"Join me Legacy and we can rule the first order together! We can be the most feared people in the galaxy! It would be just like when we where younger, Best friends ruling the world together."

"I would never join you! You're a coward that hides behind a mask! You're just a scared little boy who was to afraid to accept the fact he had a messed up family!" Suddenly Sapphire felt as If she couldn't breathe. Kylo's hand was out stretched in front of him facing the red headed girl. Sapphire struggled to breath as her throat tightened Poe screamed out to Kylo begging him to stop.

"Stop" Legacy finally screamed when she noticed the purple growing on Sapphires face.

"You have me isn't that what you wanted? Let them go they have no reason being here."

"Oh, how wrong you are  Legacy, you see they have every reason to be here. They are the only thing tying you to the light. Your pull may be strong but somehow they keep you tied down" Kylo screamed at Legacy, he stopped force choking Sapphire who had passed out and then started choking Poe. Legacy screamed out pleading with Kylo, but he didn't listen.

"YOU COWARDD! YOU HIDE BEHIND THAT MASK COWERING AWAY! TAKE OFF YOUR DAMN MASK SHOW THEM WHO YOU REALLY ARE!" Legacy screamed angering Kylo. Kylo pulled his mask from his head his long black hair fell to his shoulders and his jaw tightened even more revealing his identity. Poe gasped in shock remembering his face from pictures around Legacy's room. Kylo Ren was the famous Ben Solo, son of Genreal Leia Organa and Han Solo, nephew of the last known Jedi Luke Skywalker.

"You're the coward Legacy. Hiding behind a name that is only half yours. Hiding your power from everyone around you. She is not Legacy Solo, she is Legacy Skywalker, daughter of Luke and Mara Jade! The force lives in you Legacy, yet you still hide behind the Solo name and the false persona you put on for years. When will you accept the truth? I did and its lead me to amazing things."

"I have accepted my truth! The Solo's where better parents to me than mine ever where! My parents left to train a new generation of Jedi ! They lied to me about my powers because they where scared of my darkness! My dad left and hid away because of you, Because you murdered so many including my mother! Then you ran off and adapted this false persona of Kylo Ren all because what? Because Snoke told you to? You are Ben Solo just as much as I am Legacy Skywalker! If I can accept that even after everything I've been through, then so can you!" Legacy yelled out to him. Kylo stared at the older girl before him. Anger cursed through his veins. Getting Legacy to turn has proved much harder then he had originally thought he had to think of something that would really fuel her darkness. Kylo stormed out of the cell placing his helmet back on his head. He made his way to his quarters on the star killer base thinking over ever option he had to get Legacy to give in he was going to figure out how to turn her and nothing was going to stop him.

"You're a Skywalker?" Poe questioned as soon as Kylo exited the room.

"I'm sorry I lied to you Poe. I was afraid. My parents left without telling me about my powers. I lived in fear I didn't know what they where or how to control them so I hid behind my aunt and uncle. They where there for me when my parents weren't" Legacy explained ashamed in her self for not telling him the truth sooner. The room fell silent. Sapphire's eyes fluttered open, she then groaned as she looked around noticing Kylo was now gone.

"Are you okay?" Poe asked not being able to see his sister's face.

"I'll be fine." Sapphire mumbled. The three sat in silence the only noise was the occasional grunt that slipped from their mouths every time they pulled at the restraints. Kylo made his way back to the cell that held his three prisoners after finding a plan he knew was bound to work. The doors opened once again smoke flooding the room. Kylo stepped out of the smoke making his way into the room. Kylo walked up to Legacy, looking down at her, he whispered.  

"Remember this is your fault." The darkness and hatred that laced Kylo's words sent a shiver down Legacy's back filling her with such fear she was trembling. Before Legacy could respond Kylo was stood in front of Poe his arm stretched out. Poe began tensing up in pain blood boiling screams left his lips terrifying the two girls

"STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sapphire yelled. Kylo ignored her and continued. Kylo's mind was being flooded with light and happiness as images of Poe and Legacy swam around. Kylo was searching Poe's mind he wanted to know everything about him, his weaknesses, his strength, anything that could help him kill Poe in the most painful way possible.

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