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Han Solo moved toward the Resistance transport as it landed in the debris,  BB-8 rolled up beside him beeping his concerns about Legacy. Han blew him off as the transport doors opened, Chewie stood beside them. Finn had made his way to the Falcon passing by Legacy who had yet to stop stabbing the dead trooper.

Leia made her way out of the transport stopping as she noticed Han stunning her. A silent beat, husband and wife reunited for the first time in years. In the smoke and embers, no one says a word. C-3PO walks out from the transport, into the field.

"Goodness! Han Solo! It is I, See-Threepio! You probably don't recognize me because of the red arm."

C-3PO said as he turned toward Leia.

"Look who it is! Did you see who? Oh. Excuse me, Prin--uh General. sorry. Come along bee bee eight. quickly." He said again walking off BB-8 following along.

"You changed your hair." Han said pointing at the women's hair.

"Same jacket."

"No, new jacket." Chewie glad to see Leia, Greets her with a hug. Chewie moans a few words, looks to see Han then boards the ship. 

"I saw him. Leia, I saw our son. He was here." Han told Leia who only nodded while she watched her niece in the distance.

"Luke would be...proud of her, but I fear the darkness might be consuming her." Han told Leia noticing how she couldn't take her eyes off her niece. Legacy felt eyes on her as she turned her saber off, turning she noticed Leia a small smile that was full of pain pulled at her lips. Legacy walked toward her aunt giving her a quick hug before boarding the Falcon.

The Falcon descending among grassy mounds and sunken structures. Large grass mounds cover hangers, beneath the odd giant trees. A group of resistance crew member's direct an X-wing to a landing. Legacy made her way off the Falcon arms crossed as pilots ran around behind her, she looked around hoping to see someone particular. In the foreground, another X-wing canopy opens, a particular pilot climbs out. Finn runs down the ramp of the Falcon standing next to the girl watching as they took an unconscious Rey away. BB-8 rolls over knocking into the girls leg as he made his way toward a parked X-Wing. Legacy watched as the pilot removed his helmet bending down to hug the droid, Legacy instantly recognized the curly brown mop of hair that sat atop his head.

"Poe." She breathed out running toward him, hearing footsteps approach him Poe looked up his face morphing into one of shock, and admiration. 

"Oh baby." Poe whispered as he stood the girl jumping into his arms. Legacy buried her head in Poe's shoulder as tears fell from her eyes.

"I thought you where dead." Legacy told him as she pulled from the hug her arms remained around his neck, his around her waist. Poe stared into her eyes before leaning in and kissing her. The two pulled from each other, before Poe could say anything Legacy's hand met his face slapping him, Hard. Poe, shocked let out a small chuckle.

"What? What was that for?"

"Oh I don't know? Not telling me about the map!" Poe's smile dropped a little but before he could say anything he heard a familiar stormtroopers voice.

"Poe. Poe Dameron." Poe let go of his fiancé moving to hug Finn.

"You're alive!"

"Yes Finn he's alive, I don't go around base just kissing or slapping anyone I want." Legacy said sarcasm spilling from her words. Poe laughed.

"Well, that's only half true. You love going around and slapping just about anyone." Poe joked as Finn let a small laugh spill from his lips.

"You know better then anyone I only smack, people who piss me off and people that disrespect Leia's orders." before the two could continue their bickering Finn asked Poe. 

"What happened to you?"

"What happened? I got thrown from the crash, woke up at night. No ship, No you, No Legacy, nothing." Legacy's smile dropped. Poe left the planet under the influence that she was dead, just as she did. BB-8 beeped something at Poe.

"bee bee eight said you two saved him"  Poe said repeating the droids words

"No, no, no. It wasn't just us" Finn explained

"You completed my mission, Finn. That's my jacket?" Finn began taking the jacket off but Poe stopped him in the process

"No, no, no. Keep it. it suits you I'm just surprised Legacy let you keep it" Legacy rolled her eyes knowing she fought with Finn over the jacket. Legacy went to say something but before she could BB-8 peeped at Poe once more. Poe's face morphed into one of confusion and hurt as he realized the droids words.

"Kylo Ren took Sapphire again?" Poe asked, Legacy who also was told the news on the Falcon looked at her fiancé resting her hand on his shoulder

"It's a long story but where gonna find her I promise" The three walked fast into the base as Finn took in the makeshift command center, buried deep among vines and roots. They arrived to Leia, who stood with a group of resistance officers.

"General Organa. Sorry to interrupt, This is Finn, he needs to talk to you" Poe said as Leia turned to see the trio

"And I need to talk to him. That was incredibly brave, what you did. renouncing the first order, saving those twos life" Leia told the former storm trooper

"Thank you, Ma'am but a friend of mine was taken prisoner" Finn started being cut off by Leia

"Han told me about Sapphire, I'm sorry."

"Finn's familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system. He worked on the base." Poe told Leia

"We're desperate for anything you can tell us."

"That's where my friend was taken. I've got to get there, fast"

"And I will do everything I can to help, but first you must tell us all you know." Leia told Finn as the four walked over to the round table

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