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Finn woke up covered in sand and sweat. He sat from where he was noticing the red headed girls limp body next to him.

"Legacy! Legacy!" Finn yelled as he ran toward the girl who was still knocked out from the crash.

"Come on Legacy wake up!" Finn shook the small girls body but to no avail she was still knocked out. Finn wanted to go find Poe but he didn't want to leave the girl. Having no other choice Finn tried to pick the girl up but immediately failing, his storm trooper gear restricted him from doing so. Finn grabbed the girls arm pulling her through the sand as he headed to the big cloud of black smoke.

After struggling through the sand Finn reached the TIE fighter. He pulled Legacy's limp body away from the wreckage and went to look for Poe within the fighter.

"Poe! Poe!" Finn screamed when he noticed the brown leather jacket Poe was wearing sat on the broken glass of the fighter. Finn grabbed the arm of the jacket pulling on it and falling backward as the jacket flew out of the fighter he looked at it for a minute confused on where Poe was. Legacy groaned sitting up her hand immediately flew to her head as the pain grew stronger with every move, the girl looked around at the sand noticing the fighter and Finn but no Poe.

"Where's Poe?" Legacy question Finn pointed to the fighter as he helped the girl stand. As Legacy got to her feet she made her way toward the fighter but before she could reach it the sand consumed it throwing sand high into the air.

"POE!" Legacy screamed falling to her knees in disbelief. Finn ran toward the girl placing his hand on her shoulder the girl looked over her shoulder looking at the boy tears brimming her eyes.

"I can't ..I- I-." Legacy struggled her breathe getting caught in her throat she couldn't believe that Poe....

"Come on we have to go the first order will be here soon." Finn said helping the girl to her feet.

"Give me that jacket." Legacy said trying to take Poe's jacket out of Finn's hand.

"Hey, you already have one let me use it." Finn said pulling the jacket from the girls reach.

"He was my Fiance, That's his jacket. It rightfully belongs to me" Legacy said while she watched Finn remove his stormtrooper gear.

"No!" Finn exclaimed getting the last of his gear off and putting the jacket on purposely picking up speed to walk ahead of the girl. Legacy scoffed as she tried to catch up her shorter legs restricting her from doing so.

Sapphire stood in front of the older man and wookie as she exited the TIE fighter.

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