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The resistance fleet prepares for the mission. Pilots inspect crafts, including Snap, Nien Numb, and Poe who stood at his black marked X-wing. Mechanics make adjustments as crews fuel the jets. Ground controllers move ships into takeoff formation. Pilots prep their ships, including BB-8, who pulled into Poe's black X-wing. Finn approaches Poe wearing the jacket. Poe slaps Finn's shoulder as he heads off.

Legacy stood beside the tall, hairy, wookie. Han stood in front of the pair a stern look on his face and determination in his voice.

"No! Legacy you stay here and help Leia" Han exclaimed pointing a stern finger at the young girl not wanting her to walk into danger

"I'm going weather you like it or not! This is my fight too! He killed my mother Han!" Legacy fought back tears at the mention of her mother. She was just as determined as Han. They where going to win this fight and she was going to help in every way possible.

"Han let the girl go! She's more then capable to handle herself and she has a point. This is her fight just as much as you and I's."
Leia spoke from behind Han surprising the trio.  Leia understood both sides of their argument. She was afraid Legacy would get hurt, she was afraid to lose the only daughter she ever had but she knew how much Legacy wanted to avenge her mother.

"Leia its dangerous" Han protested. Legacy huffed out in annoyance she was tired of arguing.

"Han. Let her go" Han looked at Legacy noticing the annoyance and determination in her eyes. Giving up, Han agreed causing a big smile to break out on Legacy's face. Han and Chewie walked over to the Falcon while Legacy stayed behind talking to Leia one last time before she leaves.

"He's just worried about you." Leia said as she grabbed Legacy's hand

"He wasn't to worried all the times he left" Legacy replied with a slight pang of heartbreak

"Legacy. Be careful please. I lost Ben, Luke and Mara already, I can't lose you too." Leia continued as she placed her cold and fragile hand on the younger girls cheek her thumb brushing across Legacy's cheek

"I promise." Legacy embraced Leia one last time before leaving. The two girls parted ways Legacy approaching the Falcon.

"Chewie, check that domal captivator. Come on. Let's go. Finn, be careful with those they're explosives." Han exclaimed at the boy as he continued to move boxes around

"Now you tell me?!" Finn questioned as he cautiously moved the last few boxes. Legacy began helping her new friend when she noticed her Aunt make another appearance beside her Uncle. They always fought when she and Ben where growing up but they both knew they where meant for one another. She watched as the couple had a moment her heart aching wishing Ben could be beside her.

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