Cabin 4

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I stirred in my sleep and once again, I found myself staring at a tattooed chest.

"I'm sure you're a sasaeng and you're taking advantage of me." Even if he said that, his hand is on my waist.

"Can you shut up? I just woke up." I glared up at him and he scoffed

"Did you just tell me to shut up?"

"I'm not sure if you're deaf or just stupid at comprehension." I rolled over and sighed.

"Yah!" I tsked

"Can you stop yelling? You sound like you're in menopausal stage or something." He sat up and gave punches to the air.

I raised my brow at him, amused at the sight. I grabbed his pillow and he snatched it back.

"Wow. That is so mature." I rolled my eyes.

"You have your own pillow!" I'm really getting irritated with his screeching voice.

"First of all, I'm a pillow person. One isn't enough for me, hence you became my pillow subconsciously and since we both don't want that, I'm taking your pillow and if you don't want to give it to me don't complain if I make you as my pillow. And lastly, can you stop screeching? It hurts my ears." I annoying rubbed my ears for emphasis.

He closed his eyes and slowly took a deep breath then exhaled, calming himself.

"Ok, can you tell me what you're deal is?" he raked his hand on his hair. Ok, he looked hot doing that.

"What? Your question is too vague." I sat up and faced him. He was flustered and cleared his throat

"How can you look me in the eye without blushing?" I snorted and pinched my cheeks.

"There. Happy?" He looked like he's about to cry from frustration and I can't help but laugh.

"You're an alien! That's it! Can you go back to the planet where you came from?" I wiped the tears that formed my eyes from too much laughing.

"But seriously, you're a girl. You're living with a stranger and a guy at that. This place is deserted. Shouldn't you be scared?" I stopped laughing and looked at him seriously.

"You're a guy who is too full of himself and I doubt you can protect yourself, you're living with a stranger and a girl at that who has no fear with living alone in a deserted place with a guy. Shouldn't you be scared?" I shot back, grinning.

"Leave." He deadpanned and I rolled my eyes.

"No." I crossed my arms.

"You're weird." He frowned.

"You are too." I shrugged and he looked so offended.

"Yah! I am–-not." He lowered his voice when I cocked a brow at him.

"Can we please talk in all seriousness here?" He groaned

"It depends on you actually." He glared but I wasn't fazed

"Why don't I have any effect on you?" Here we go again

"Cause you're not my type." If it wasn't obvious enough

"But I'm everybody's type." He whined.

"I'm hungry." I stood up and went to the fridge. Happy to see there's food in it.

"Did you just ignore me?!" I grabbed a sanwhich and checked the expiration date and then wlaked to the microwave oven to heat it up.

"Yah, I'm talking to you!" I sighed and faced him, rubbing my temples.

"How about we ignore each other? Just think you're alone in here." I hopped on the counter as I waited for my brunch.

"You're not just acting are you?"

"The world doesn't revolve around you Mr. Popular. There are people who doesn't have time for shit like fangirling."

"But music is life! How can you love life without music?" I hopped off the counter when the oven dinged.

"You can listen to music without bothering to know who sings it or what the title is." I shrugged.

"That's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard." I grabbed the sandwhich and ate took a big munch

"Call it ignorant or whatever. I don't really care." I walked towards my bag and bit into my sandwhich while I open it. I grabbed a news paper and looked at the job hunt section.

"You're looking for a job?" I simply nodded. My phone rang and I answered it.

"Yes speaking." It's one of the jobs I applied for.

"Yes, I'm available." I quickly shoved the sandwich down my throat and garnbed some water and drink it, almost choking and hurried to take a bath.

"What the fuck woman." I almost cussed and buttoned up my most decent dress.

"Did you just change infront of me?" He looked at me in disbelief. I was shocked too. I honestly forgot I was not alone.

"I forgot you were there." His jaw dropped

"And it's not like you've seen anything. I already had my under garments on. You've seen girls in a bikini, big deal." I can practically see smokes coming out from his nose.

"Tell me you aren't like this every time!" What is he so angry for?

"What? Getting changed infront of a stranger? I will if I have to." He grabbed my wrist when I grabbed my already faded sling bag and house keys.

"Let go! I'm already running late for my interview." I shook my hands off of him and ran out of the house, not even looking back.

I opened the window on the bus so the wind will dry my hair. I hate it when I go out with wet hair, but I don't have a hair dryer.

I looked at my watch and sighed. I hope this is it.

I arrived at the café the girl told me to and walked in. I searched the place and found her sitting in the corner with an old guy.

I walked up to them with a smile on my face. "Sorry I'm late."

They stood up and we exchanged greetings.

"I'm sorry. I'm looking for a job cause I don't have any money. So if you're asking me to invest, I may, if you accept a thousand won." But that is clearly not the case. I should have known it was an investment scam. Damn it.

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