Cabin 32

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Gosh my head hurts. I groaned and opened my eyes. I hear people outside and I sat up, holding my head.

My door opened and I saw my mother who rolled her eyes at me.

"I can't believe you had yourself drunk and not let anything happen!" My brows connected.

"How did you know nothing happened?" Even I don't know anything that happened. I don't remember a thing. I remember telling jiyong about my stupid excuse of a father and offering him a drink but then I'm just blank. Now I just remembered why I don't drink.

"You have two empty bottles of soju out there, your alcohol tolerance is shitty and jiyong left early. If he had sex I think he'd still be in bed and you would be naked right now and he wouldn't tell me to cook you hangover food." I rolled my eyes.

"Mom please. It's too early for your rants."

"I even chained the gate to make sure he can't leave!" She whined as I walk past her to go to the wash room to wash my face. I held my head with both hands to stop the world from spinning.

"Ugh." I groaned and staggered my way back to bed and let my body fall on it, face first.

"Get your butt up and sip the soup while it's still hot!"

"Oww!" I yelled when my mom gave my butt a good slap.

"Get out of here if you don't want me to pour it on you!" Ugh. I grumbled and slowly sat up and them dragged myself outside.

"Finish that and leave. Don't come back if you're not pregnant." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why are you in a hurry to have a grandchild? Cheondung and durami is still studying. I can barely pay for their tuition."

"I will be having my pension soon so we can afford to have a baby." I scoffed

"And that's why you're wanting me to have a child out of wedlock?"

"That and your age. You're not getting any younger sandy."

"I'm still in my twenties. You're exaggerating."

"Late twenties. It's the perfect age for you to have a child! What? You'll wait til you're thirties?"

"What's the rush?" I shrugged and took a sip on my soup and sighed at the warm liquid flowing down my throat.

"Do it while I'm still strong to take care of a baby." She grumbled. I raised a brow at her.

"Why? Are you sick?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying you never know."

"I'll have a child when I get married." She scoffed.

"With your attitude?! I won't be surprised if durami gives birth first." I scowled

"Who says I'll allow her?!"

"That's why you should give me a grandchild already!" I can't believe we're fighting over this. My phone rang and I stood up to get it, following the sound since I forgot where I put it. It was on top of the living room table.

My eyes widened at the time. "It's already this late?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

I rushed and blew on my bowl repeatedly then hurriedly slurp all the soup so I can take a bath. My phone rang again and I turned off the shower to answer it.

"Hello I'm sorry! I woke up late and—"

"It's ok. I'll just have to punish you later." I shivered when he said that.


"You just woke up?"

"Yeah, I'm in the shower." He was suddenly silent.


"You don't remember anything don't you? Or you're just teasing me again." I raised my brow but remembered he can't see me so I called him using video call.

"What are you talking about?" He glared at me through the screen.

"Sheesh woman! Finish your damn shower, I'm coming over to pick you up." He ended the call.  I rolled my eyes,  I just showed him my shampooed hair, it's not like I let him see anything.

What punishment is he talking about? Did I do anything stupid last night? I don't remember any particular habit of mine when I get drunk, but then again, it's kind of the first time I was drunk and I let it cause I'm just at home anyway.

"Ah molla." I mumbled and rinsed the shampoo and soap on my body.

"No. Stop it. We're nit talking about it." I held my hand to my mom knowing she won't drop the topic of me bearing a child.

"Sandara park, just tell me honestly..." I turned to her since she used my full name, knowing she's really serious.

"It's hard to but I'll accept..." where is she going at?

"It's kind of common nowadays..." she stopped tears from falling and fanned herself with her hands dramatically.

"Are you..." I anticipated

"Gay?" I gasped exaggeratedly

"Oh my gosh how did you ever know? I was trying so hard to hide it that I swing the other way!"

"Are you being sarcastic with me?"

"I'm so proud of you. You're keeping up with time." I squealed and ran for my dear life when she removed her slippers and picked it up. I laughed and ducked, missing the slippers by an inch. That was close. She's as accurate as ever.

"Don't ever come back unless you're pregnant!!"

"See you in twenty years then!" I yelled.

"Jokes on you! As if you can get pregnant in twenty years! It's not like you're ten!" She yelled back.

"Why are you yelling at each other?" Jiyong asked in amusement.

"You too young man! I give you permission to—" I covered jiyong's ears and pushed him back inside his car.

"What was that all about?" He chuckled in anusement.

"Just drive. Wait, why are you picking me up by the way? Shouldn't be the van here already?"

"The maknae's still shooting a scene so we'll just go back there." I nodded.

"What punishment were you talking about anyway? I don't remember breaking any rules?" He swerved the car and he stared at me.

"You don't remember what you did?" I chewed on my inner cheeks and looked away.

"Thought so. Don't worry. I'll make you remember and we'll definitely continue what you started." Why does that sound ominous? What the fuck did I start?

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