A New Storyline

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Dean's POV

I went out of the locker room to find out that Roman and Seth weren't there, waiting as they would say. Where are those idiots? I walked around the backstage until I heard Seth's voice roaring in excitement at the catering area. "Atta, girl," he said as his eyes were glued to the TV screen. "There you two are," I mumbled, grabbing a chair and sat beside Roman. "Hey man, sorry for ditching you earlier. You know Seth, he's at it again," Roman whispered. "I heard that!" Seth replied instantly. "So, what are you planning on tonight?" Roman asked as he shifted his seat towards me. I gave him a long sighed. "Renee?" he asked. I just nodded. "Something wrong?" he asked again. "Man, she's too high maintenance. Don't get me wrong, I love her. Just- uhmm, never mind," I leaned back on my chair and continued to watch the show. Roman didn't bother bugging me about Renee.

"So, who's Seth cheering again?" I asked. "Paige, you know him, he's like the stage brother since NXT," Roman said. NXT/FCW, that's where we all started; I looked at Seth and Roman, I can't believe it that we've made it to the main roster and debut as The Shield. Now, it's been months since The Shield got disbanded, in a way, and we're in a feud with each other and The Authority now. "What's Paige new gimmick? She should really start doing that heel/face kind of stuff now. She's good at that, she's a heel in the storyline but fans just adore her and thought of her as the face," Seth said still watching Paige through the screen. "Your point," Roman said. "I don't want them to be giving Paige such a bad storyline and making Aj a heroine, come on my little Paigey has the potential." Seth explained but it feels like complaining, Roman was right he really has the stage brother kind of presence towards her. "Seth you're up!" I heard one of the stage crew signalling him to go up to the gorilla. Seth jumped off the table, "I'll see you ladies later! I'm off to add more hate from the crowd." Seth smiled and left.

"I didn't mean to bug you with anything but," Roman didn't continue his sentence and point to something or someone behind me. I turned around it was Renee. "Hey love, Roman," she smiled at us and took a seat beside me. "So are you ready for tonight?" she asked earnestly. "Do we really have too?" I asked. I can see her smile turning into a frown. I know where this is going. "Dean I thought we agreed that we'll be going out formally tonight," her voice fighting in between annoyance and pretending to be calm. I raised both my hands in surrender. "Fine." Her face lit up and kissed me on the cheek and left.

"I forgot you're not into fancy stuff," Roman chuckled. "I'm a very cheap man. I enjoy the simple things in life." I mumbled. "Is this always after every show," Roman looked at me and I just nodded. Where am I going to get a suit? My clothes consist of pants, t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"God, I'm starving! We should get some take-outs after I change." I heard a familiar thick British accent from behind. "Paige, you and your appetite." Her friend laughed. "Come on! I want a Big Mac and fries. Not just the large, I want a bucket. Do they even do buckets?" Paige asked as they passed by our table. "Hey Paige, Emma," Roman called out. "Hey Rome," the two girls said in unison. "A Big Mac and a bucketful of fries," Roman looked at Paige. "Of course, a girl's gotta eat you know." Paige said. "I thought you were into salads," Roman chuckled. "Funny Reigns, well I'm off for the night, see ya!" Paige smiled at Roman and looked at me and gave me a weak smile while she lowered her head and left. I looked at Paige as she left the catering and disappeared. Paige and I were never friends to begin with; we were merely close to being acquaintances. She was much closer to both Roman and Seth; she had worked with them as tag teams and hanged out with them during their NXT/FCW days. But me and her, let's just say its history. A 'Hi' and 'Hello' was the closest thing we had as a conversation.

Paige was a beautiful girl inside and out, with or without make-up. I just find her intimidating for some reason because she isn't like the other girls in the roster; she wasn't close to Barbie material. She was just perfect. "Dean?" Roman interrupted my thoughts. "Sorry, I was just thinking." I gazed aimlessly. "Paige," Roman chuckled. "No," I snapped back at him. "Come on for the last five minutes you were still staring at the direction Paige left. Don't deny it, Ambrose. We know you liked Paige back in NXT, don't make it too obvious." Roman laughed. "I wasn't, I was just," Roman cut me off. "You were drooling, I can see right through you; you still like Paige."

"I don't know, Roman?" I got up from my chair and walked towards the gorilla. "Just admit in defeat if you do!" Roman shouted by the catering.

Paige POV

I got out of the shower, changed into a black midriff shirt, skinny jeans, and wore black flat sandals. "Alrighty, all set for my grumbling tummy!" I said happily as I walked out of the locker room. "Paige, just the girl we wanted to meet." Hunter said as he and his wife, Stephanie, walked closer to me. "Hey, so what's up?" I asked. "Well, we're booking you into a new storyline that takes a huge turn from you chasing the divas title into something else." Hunter said as he looked at Stephanie and backed at me. "So, I'm going to just give up my goal for that?" I asked and I was worried, I honestly don't want to be removed from chasing the divas title. "That's not how it's going to happen, Paige. You'll still be chasing after it but your role will be more focused on something else," Stephanie said and smiled. "Oh okay, so," It felt awkward now, I still don't know what they're planning. "Can you wait after the show? Because you're going to be working with him soon," Hunter said excitedly. 'Him?' who are they talking about; I didn't want to further ask, what's the point of the meeting, "Sure." And they left, going to the gorilla to take on their Authority role.

"Hey! Ready?" Emma jumped behind my back. "I can't," I said meekly. "Why? What happened?" Emma asked as she removed her arms behind me. "I got a new storyline and I have to wait for the show to end." I said looking away. "No, take-outs," Emma asked. "I guess, we can do that some other time. You can go ahead to the hotel." I smiled.

Dean's POV

After the show, I took a shower, changed to semi-formal attire and walked out of the locker room. Renee was already waiting for me. "Hey handsome, looking stunning." She wrapped her arm on mines until we met Hunter and Stephanie; she let goes of my arm and walked beside me. "Hey Dean, we have something up for you. Meet us in the office." Hunter smiled and him and his wife left. I don't know why? But I can feel a huge smile mentally plastered on my face. I was saved from going to a fancy night with Renee. "I'm sorry, love but duty calls." I said as I kissed on her on the lips and left. "It's okay, I understand." Renee said.

I arrived at the authority's office and knocked on the door. "Come in," I opened the door and saw Paige sitting by the sofa. "Dean, get yourself a seat beside Paige," Hunter smiled. I immediately went to the sofa and sat beside Paige. "I know you two are wondering what the new storyline will be and it involves the two of you," Hunter pointed at both of us. "So now, you two have to play nice and get to know each other well."

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