New Life and Training

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Before we start. This is a biopsy on both of Izuku's quirks to understand how they work.

Element master: Izuku can control any of the  5 base elements of water, earth, fire, air, and lightning. Using this quirk costs him stamina, and the more of the element he uses makes his stamina go down quicker. At the moment, only these 5 elements in their base forms can be used, so no metal or sand can be used.

Telekinesis: Izuku can use his mind to levitate objects as heavy as a normal human being as far as 10 feet. He can levitate smaller objects farther, but he gets a headache if he goes farther than this distance.

Also, all songs used in this go to their owners. With that said, Here's the next chapter.

Izuku POV:

The next day of school was strangely quiet. Nobody said anything, but looked at me with interest. I already knew at this point though that the video of me using a quirk and saving Uraraka went viral. "DEKUUU! HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A QUIRK!? YOUR A MAN, YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING!" "If I knew, I would tell you. But doctors did the quirk test on me not once or twice, but several times and got the same answer. As far as I'm concerned, I have a quirk like you." I stare her down right in her face while saying this.

"You and me, today after school. We'll just see if you really have a quirk." "Can't, busy with something else." "This wasn't me asking! If you don't show up, I'll find you myself!" I get up and look her square in the face with a smirk plastered on mine. "I dare you." "Ok, everyone to their seats." We both sit down in our seats before we begin class.

After school:

Once school let out, I went straight to the cafe mom told me to meet Uraraka at. I wait there for a few minutes, before the girl comes running to me. "Sorry if I kept you waiting." "Actually, I just got here not that long ago." We exchange greetings and head inside. We both order some tea and a few pastries to eat before we start a little bit of a conversation. "So Aizawa, what's it like being the only boy?" "It's something I guess. There's it's fair shares of ups and downs, but nothing to much. What about you, how do you feel after yesterday?" She puts her one arm up and fist pumps the air with a smile. "I couldn't be better, and I've got you to thank for that."

We keep talking for a few minutes, until an explosive blond finds us. "So this is what you meant with being busy. Pathetic, you can't even get a decent first girl for you stupid harem." "Why do you care Kaachan, it's not like were dating or anything like that. So as far as I'm concerned, your just an annoying onlooker that doesn't know where she stands." "What was that!? Wanna say that again nerd?" Kaachan grabs my shirt and pulls me close to her face. "You heard me before, your an annoying onlooker." She shoves me into the booth were in before walking away. "Don't count this over yet. Once the UA entrance exams start, I'll crush you and prove that your nothing but a man. You hear me Deku."

She walks away, leaving us both silent. "Who was that?" "Katsumi Bakugo, I call her Kaachan since we've known each other since childhood. I actually once liked her enough to have a crush on her. But her ego and hot temper was what drove me off." Uraraka just looks at me before saying anything. "Why does she call you Deku?" "It's an insult. It means worthless, and she uses it for me since men don't have much use in the world from what she thinks." "Do you mind if I start calling you Deku?" I look at her very confused. "Well it kinda reminds me of the word Dekiru, which means you can do anything. Also, I think it's kinda cute." I blush a bit at this sudden statement. "O-ok, go ahead."

We sit there for another hour talking about random things from what we like to eat, to the fact were both enrolling in UA. Finally, it came time for us to say goodbye. Before we left though, we agreed to do this again. Uraraka left with a smile as bright as anything before walking away. Once she was out of sight, I began heading home and thinking on what Kaachan said. "She is right. Even though I have a quirk now, that doesn't mean I can pass the entrance exam. I need to get better with them if I want to pass." In my train of thought, I pass Dagobah Municipal beach. Once a great tourist attraction, now illegal dumping site. "THAT'S IT! I'll clean up this beach before the entrance exam." And with that, I ran home to make my planner to manage training, school, cleaning the beach, and the occasional meeting of Uraraka.

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