Final Exams

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4 months later Katsumi POV:

It's been about 4 months since I found out about the truth of Deku's confession from his mom. During that time, I found out that he knocked up three other chicks and had screwed every girl in our class within the time. "I'm telling you, I've gotta be made to fit him the best out of all of you." The stupid grape chick kept boasting on how she screwed Deku with everyone but a few annoyed that she got the chance to. I just kept to myself. "Says the woman that had to beg and plead to me to get a chance and become nothing more than an onahole during it. At least Izuku won't have to worry about you stealing his used underwear anymore." Everyone started to laugh at Ponytails statement with me looking over to Round face and Deku.

"And how are you today my adorable little baby?" He started to talk to Round faces stomach more with her being on cloud nine for the attention. His adopted kid started hugging his hair as she was in a harness giggling at Deku's acts. "Isn't that sweet. Izuku's being so fatherly. *sniffle* I don't deserve him!" Icyhot started to have one of her mood swings that she recently got when she was pregnant and was crying steam and ice. Eventually, Aizawa came in and stood near the podium with us all getting back in our seats.

"Ok, we have two things to go over. First is that final exams are coming up, so make sure your studying for those. Since your in a heroine course, you all will be participating in a physical part to see how your skills have improved. Those who are expecting however, will be participating in a less strenuous one to avoid harming their children. I don't want to deal with federal charges or anything for any of you. Next is that there will be a camp trip that will be after the final exam. Those who fail their exams will not participate in this and be taking remedial lessons during it. So make sure you hit the books hard and train accordingly."

Time skip to noon Izuku POV:

"I haven't studied at all this semester!" Both Mina and Denka started laugh or freak out at the fact their literally the lowest two in our class. I felt bad for them, but mom always told me 'you reap what you sow'. Kinda a pity for the both of them. "If you want, I can fill you in on some of the important things and help where your having trouble." Momo mentions this on her caring fashion with both running over and praising her. "Your the best Yaomomo!" She smiles at them before I hear her stomach growl.

We all look back at her with Momo having the biggest blush she could have. "With that stated, you girls ready for lunch?" I smile at them for everyone to nod. I go over to Ochako and grab Eri while the girls follow me out. "Any preference by anyone?" "Not really." "A burger with everything on it." "Something with meat in it." "uuurgh, soup." 'Poor Kyoka.' Ever since the girls started their pregnancy, they all had some different responses for it. Shouto had some of the strangest mood swings with her being normal one moment, to sad for me the next, then yelling at Kaachan after. It's kinda funny how she is. Momo had gained a rather large increase in appetite where as a famous cat destroyer god would say, 'she wolfs down big mac's like tic tac's'. Kyoka unfortunately has been violently sick a lot recently. She's trying her best not to, but she was regularly vomiting in the first three months. I try and cope with them as much as possible, but there's only so much I can do at times. I still wouldn't change a thing though, I love them as who they are.

Once we got to the lunch room, everyone got their food with Eri hugging Ochako's stomach while we eat. "Aww, she's excited to be a big sister." We all look at her and follow Itsuka's lead and melt over that. "Hey Deku, do you have any idea what their doing for the end of semester exams?" "If I remember correctly, it's fighting robots. Can't guarantee what you four will be doing, but it definitely won't be more than that." I immediately grab an elbow that was about to hit Ochako in the back of the head and look over.

"Common Monoma, that's unkind." "Ooops, sorry. I guess I couldn't see over this skanks fat stomach that well. Women like you are an eyesore, so why don't you just run along an-" She's stopped by mom who glares at her with anger. "If I ever catch you elbowing a woman carrying my grandchildren again, I will expel you on the spot and beat your reproductive organs out of you. Understand!" Monoma nods in fear as mom drops her down to the ground. We turn back around not wanting to feel her wrath next. 'God mom is scary when it comes to her grandchildren.'

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