Celebrations and The First Day

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Ok before we start, I'm going to point out how the harem law effects Izuku in the aspect of his life because it'll play a part in this chapter.

So the law says that Izuku will have to have a harem of at least 7 different women who can be around a year younger than him or older by age 18. If by some chance he is short or doesn't have one yet when he turns this age, the government will hand pick women that are compatible with him and force him to produce children with them. He can have more in the harem, but the main 7 must live with him to increase chances of procreation chances. Once the harem starts, he will obtain a $10,000 monthly pay for every girl in his harem up to the seventh (i.e. 10K for one girl, 20K for two, etc). This is to make it so they don't necessarily have to work and live a relatively comfy life without as much trouble financially. In addition, he will also get a 2-4,000 bonus if one of his girls gives birth to a child. 2K for girls, and 4K for boys since their rare. Izuku is however, not safe from the common law. If he were to commit a crime like forcing a woman or stealing, he will be arrested and he will be mainly used as a sperm Donner. Some people with power though can enforce themselves or their children into his harem by filling out a specific form and giving it to him. He can't fight this, and has to oblige by it if it is given to him. Now that that's said, lets get on with the chapter.

Izuku POV:

It's been about a week since the entrance exams at UA. In that time, I've gotten to know Jiro better. She normally keeps to herself, but is someone that holds their decisions to heart. She's also a fan of rock music thanks to her mother working as a song writer herself. She may not have the best outer look at first glance, but she has her cute sides to her when I get to see them. If I could put my thoughts for her in words, I'd say she's someone I would love to spend as much time with. Ochako likes her as well. To her, Jiro is the friend that she always wanted and will have the privilege to keep close with. Earlier today, she even wanted to be apart of my harem. I agreed after Ochako said she was ok with it.

Right now, were doing nothing special than just sitting on the couch and watching Seven Deadly Sins. Both Jiro and Ochako have one of my arms, while Yami has my lap. "Has anyone ever noticed that Meliodas tends to make sexual advances Elizabeth a lot in this. Like to an unhealthy  amount." "Not like were ones to talk Jiro." I slightly smile at Jiro's comment while she only pouts at me. "I told you to start calling me Kyoka from now on." I realize my mistake and stop smiling. "Sorry Jir- I mean Kyoka." "*Pfft* That was a little hard, wasn't it Deku?" 'Great, I have one pouting, and one laughing at me. What else can go wrong?' "I'm home." 'Had to say it.'

I look over to mom with a little bit of curiosity. "Didn't you say you weren't going to be back till like 2 in the morning?" "I did, but I needed to drop something off to the three of you. To Ochako and Kyoka, you are officially students of UA. Congratulations." Both couldn't let go of me fast enough before grabbing the letters. "*Screams* WERE IN!" Both start to scream and hug mom in the excitement. "Also, I have two things for you Izuku." "Two things." "Well three, but two of them are the same thing so first I have a letter from the government." I take the envelope and open it to read what their telling me. "Dear Izuku Aizawa, we are contacting you to congratulate you on your harem start yada, yada, yada. *mutter* Kyoka Jiro and Ochako Uraraka? Wait, but I just started dating Ji-Kyoka today?" "Maybe, but you've been hanging out with her like you've added her to your harem."

I continue to read until I get to the last part. "Put in a check of....$20,000 FOR THIS MONTH?!" I was in complete shock at the fact that I was given a monthly check of 20 grand for living expenses. "Uh, mom. Any chance we can put this in a savings account tomorrow?" "I'll make time. But on another note, you two are going to be living here starting next month." "Wait, why?" "Do you not know the harem law Kyoka? Your going to have to live with Izuku from now on." Kyoka was completely amazed and embarrassed, while Ochako was not phased since she already kinda lived here enough that I had enough of her clothes in my room for her to move in with little coming in. "With that said, their also expanding our house for more space." "I guess that makes sense with what you just said."

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