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Watari POV

I am now walking through the lonely corridors of Totsuhara Hospital after my supposed visit to Kaori with a down Tsubaki by my side

I still can't believe what I saw inside the hospital in Kaori's room when we went there. They've really done it

I never would've ever imagined it as the two looked very much innocent

I wonder how it felt. The rumoured natural high you get, I wonder if it's all true. It must be such a great feeling, one you can't readily experience. A feeling out of this world

I'm just so jealous of Kousei. He's already got his first with the girl he loves even though he's not so famous with the girls. I wonder when I'll get mine, I even wonder when I'll get to experience a decent relationship

Let me think of all the options

Well Kaori's pretty much out of the picture for me as I already knew that the one she really loved was actually Kousei and Keiko, I realized that we really weren't cut out for each other

I guess that only leaves Tsubaki. But I doubt we'll get along well. I mean we're complete opposites of each other. She's rash, violent and not so expressive with her feelings and she's pretty scary when she's mad

And me, well I'm more on the cool side. I tend to keep chill on any situation and I' very much more expressive compared to her. We really are complete opposites

But amidst it all, I really like her. I like everything about her. Her violent but joyful demeanor, her genuine smile, her gorgeous face and silky smooth skin and most of all I like it when she's mad. I think she's really cute

Ahh! I'm so frustrated. I want to tell her already how I feel and try to court her but she still hasn't moved on from Kousei

When will I ever get the chance. They say there's a right time for everything but these feelings......these feelings are just thrashing through my heart

They don't want to be pent anymore, they want to be released here and now

What should I do?

But I guess it's now or never right?

I should try sparking a conversation with her first to try and ease the tension

"Hey Tsubaki!" I suddenly blurted out

She stayed silent and I can understand it. I'll still talk to her though even if she doesn't listen

"Hey Tsubaki! Hey, hey, hey" I tried to annoyed her to get her to talk but she didn't budge one bit at my annoyance.

I just stopped trying to talk to her and silence enveloped us along the way

A few minutes passed we were finally out of the doors of Totsuhara Hospital

We took a bus to send us home and after a few minutes of deafening silence accompanied with a depressing mood, we finally arrived

I went out of the bus first and Tsubaki followed. We were about to part ways when suddenly to my surprise,she stopped in her tracks and held on my shirt

I looked at her and it was then that I noticed that tears started flowing down from her eyes

Her silent sobs then slowly became loud shrieks. I was worried about her

"Hey Tsubaki what's wrong?" I asked her with a worried but gentle tone

She didn't answer but began talking after she dried her tears. She really was in sorrow

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