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'He cried and cried with agony, as he lost the part of his life that kept him sane' ~ belleame_143


"WHAT THE F-" were the only words he could make out.


His identity was out.

His identity was out.

His identity was out.

His freaking identity was out.

Damn you, Mysterio.

Peter then panicked.

He quickly swung back home, leaving MJ and quickly found his aunt. He then grabbed onto May's waist and swung her to the one place he knew he would be safe. Well, relatively safe.

The Newly rebuilt Avengers Compound.

He let go of his aunt and took off his mask, then continued to panic by pacing back and forth. His thoughts were soon interrupted when his aunt asked him what was wrong, and he told her the truth.

His identity was out. And there was nothing he could do about it.

He and his aunt were soon accompanied by Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, who walked up confused and wondering what exactly was going on. But realization flooded through their minds when the repeating words continued to spurge out the young teenager's mouth and into their ears. "My identity is out. My identity is out. My identity is out. Holy crap my identity is out."

The youngest Avenger looked towards his older teammates, eyes pleading for help. "What am I going to do? I'm screwed! Mysterio is dead and he's still ruining my life!" He screamed out, flopping onto one of the couches and sobbed. May sat down next to her nephew and wrapped her arms around the 16-year-old, letting him cry into her chest.

The two grown men beside them stood awkwardly, swaying from one side to the other, eyes darting from either a lamp, a plant or to the floor. Then they looked to one another as if daring the other to speak up first. Sam, surrendered to Bucky's withering gaze and reluctantly confronted the situation.

"Everything is going to be okay. Now you don't have to be afraid of keeping secrets any longer." Sam tried to comfort the young hero. But he was used to counseling normal people, normal citizens who had normal issues, not enhanced web-slinging teenagers. So reasonably, he did horribly. And apparently, Peter thought so too.

"No! It's not okay! Now that people know who I am, they know who my friends are! They know how to get to me! They could take Ned, MJ or even worse May! Just to get under my skin!" Peter yelled out, his face red and eyes puffy. He looked around to see May on the ground after how abruptly he stood up. "You just don't understand!" He screamed, running his hands over his face in frustration and stormed across the hall, mentioning he was going out before leaving.


Michelle Jones or MJ as she told her friends to call her, walked home disbelieving what had just happened. Everyone now knew Peter was Spider-Man.

MJ walked through the doors of her apartment and was greeted with silence. The dark hallways cool and quiet, as she walked through. She turned on the light, put down her keys and headed straight to her room. Sitting on her bed after locking her door, she looked out her large glass window and the beautiful scenery of the sun about to set. MJ then stood up, closed the curtains and looked into a mirror, slowly taking out pins from her hair and shed off her cardigan. And pondered at how it was possible for somebody as amazing as Peter, to take an interest in her. Then she heard a knock on her window.

She put back on her cardigan and pulled open her curtains to see Peter, dressed as Spider-Man on her balcony and opened the window to let him in. He weakly pulled off his mask and she took a look at his face, which was red along with swollen eyes. Indicating he was crying.

MJ opened her arms and Peter cracked. Falling into her arms sobbing, making her shirt damp in the process. And all she could do was wait. To give him the comfort he needed, so he could let it all out.

Her legs slowly began to give up under his weight, as her body was the only thing keeping him from collapsing. So she slid onto the floor holding him with her. And she waited patiently, humming a bit as she did, letting Peter fall asleep in her arms.


Peter woke up with confusion filling his brain, accompanied by agonizing back pain. He looked around at his surroundings, noticing the dark grey walls lined with books and the desk plastered in drawings, paintings, and doodles. One in particular, of him. He stood up, letting the blanket that somehow ended on him fall onto the floor. He reached out to the sketch, done purely with pencil and perfectly capturing the sleepiness in his eyes. One of his hands was holding the weight of his head as his eyelids looked heavy from tiredness. The untouched chemistry homework on his desk before him as his other hand was playing with a pen.

He then looked at the white clock hanging on the wall that said 10:08 pm. He panicked as he knew his aunt would be worried sick. Until the beautiful sight of his girlfriend emerged from the doorframe holding a cup of tea in her hands. "It's okay. I called May to ask if you could stay over and she said yes." Peter sighed as he sat down relaxing on MJ's bed, motioning her to join him, which she did.

He snuggled into the crook of her neck and released a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and took hold of her free hand. "I'm so done with today." He confessed, swiping his thumb over her hand not noticing the slight twitch of her body.

MJ placed her mug on her bedside table and sighed, smiling sadly as she did so. "I'm sorry." And Peter furrowed his brows, confused. "For what?" And she replied with sorrow filling her eyes. "Everything. Mysterio, your ruined vacation and now your identity is out." She said. "None of that as your fault." He looked up to her with a small smile etched on his face. And she replied honestly with "I know. But I'm still sorry." And they both soon fell back asleep as their troubles faded away because they had each other.


ThAnkS, EverYoNe FoR chEckInG tHiS boOk oUT! hOpe yOu eNjoYed iT!

SoMetHinG tO HeaL yOu fRoM yOUr pAiN!

SoMetHinG tO HeaL yOu fRoM yOUr pAiN!

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ByE! SeE YoU SoON!

ByE! SeE YoU SoON!

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