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Broken dreams and a broken heart can bring a massive change in your life. Learn to lose and learn to let it go. You know the bravest thing I ever did was to continue breathing and living when I wanted to die as hell and nobody knows. You might be broken from alot of things. And the top of all is your expectations. Stop expecting! Just stop. Broken dreams can be due to your lack of hard work or just bad luck. But you have time. And you have you. And it's not just others you have to forgive, you have to forgive yourself. For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should done. So just put your ass on work now and I am sure you will get more than you could have ever expect. Work hard. Stop thinking about people who broke your heart. Ignore them and it's important as it will help you to move on. They are not the only ones on earth. There are more than billions of people. Someone will love you. Your all broken pieces will stick together one day, believe it and move on. And remember that this not everybody you want in your life wants you in theirs, so don't blend over backwards trying to  force them to stay when they could really care less if you're around or not. And sometimes you have to distance yourself from people. If they'll care they will notice. If they don't then you know where you stand.

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