Chapter 7: Chaos?

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Heyy guys sorry for the lack of uploads I got a mild case of writers block or something lol. I worked so hard on this chapter you guys it's not even funny. So I really hope that you guys enjoy it :) I also decided to shake things up bit and put almost everyone's point of veiw I think there is all but I'm not sure.


Crzy1DPatterson xxo


Avan's P.O.V.

I woke up in Harry's arms facing him watching his angelic figure sleeping. I decided to take a shower so I got out of the bed ever so slowly and quickly quietly making my way to the bathroom seeing as I didn't have a stitch of clothing on. Yes, Harry and I slept together and it was amazing.

I took a shower and dressed in my "I love Harry Styles bra and hipster matching panties" and my black t-shirt that read "Harry's Swag" in multi-colored bubble letters and my other pair of Jean shorts. Then I put my hair in a messy bun and did my make-up tip toeing as fast as I could to the door with Harry still snoring away. I quietly opened and closed the door behind me then made my way to my bed room.

I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant and perfume. I put my Toms on and decided I wanted breakfast. I walked across the room fixing the hairs that had fell out of the bun.

I opened my door and shut it behind me running into something hard. I look up to see Niall standing there.

"Oh, I'm sorry Niall I didn't see you there buddy!" I said patting his shoulder.

"You smell so good." he said leaning down towards my neck inhaling my scent.

"Um, thanks." I said taking a step back. "I was just going to get some breakfast do you want some?" I asked him.

"Um, yea. I would." he said taking a step toward me.

"Okay.... Niall your freaking me out let's go." I said grabbing his right hand and dragging him down the staircase. Zayn and Liam were watching TV so I brought Niall to say good morning.

"Hi guys." I said letting go of Niall's hand.

"He- Whoa!" Zayn said standing up.

"What?" I asked turning to look at Niall but Zayn stopped me.

"Niall let's go upstairs!" he said as I turned around Zayn and Niall were at the bottom of the stairs. Weird.

"Hey Liam whats up?" i asked sitting down on the couch beside him.

"Oh nothing, I'm feeling a little sick thought from all those marsh mellows last night though." he said patting his stomach.

"Awe I'm sorry." I replied sympathetically.

"Um, not that it's any of my business but did I see you sneaking out of Harry's room this morning?" he asked.

"Oh I wasn't sneaking-" I replied stopping myself 'great.' I thought. Liam was looking at me with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

"Well at least I know Harry got lucky last night." Liam says with a chuckle.

My mouth hung open at the comment he had just made. I never would have imagined Liam Payne saying something so - so perverted.


Niall's P.O.V

I heard her heart beating in Harry's room as I stood outside the door. I could smell her Delicious scent coming out from under it. I heard her wake up and make her way to the shower I listened as she she bathed and did her hair and make - up then made her way to the door. I flitted down to my room and closed the door. When I heard her make it to her room I went to listen at her door.

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