Chapter 10: Jefferson/Louis?

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Heyy guys it's getting pretty close to ending.............. I think. IDK lol anyways I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this so much I can't believe this story came to me in a dream! Well the plot line did anyways! Haha I'm so weird!


Crzy1DPatterson XxX


I was terrified as I stood there staring at Jefferson in this cold dank basement.

"Je...Jefferson what's on your face?" I asked as he stared at me.

"Ow, what the hell? Who are you two people?!" Louis asked sitting up from the floor on the other side of the basement.

"Louis! Help me please?" I was crying. "I'm scared! Louis." I said he looked at me funny and stood up.

"Do I know you?" he asked me as Jefferson turned on his heal and walked over to Louis. Jefferson shoved in hand into Louis chest as he cried out in pain. Jefferson's hand was buried deep into Louis chest gripping his heart. Then Jefferson became translucent and steeped inside Louis body.

"Louis!" I was screaming as Jefferson did this. Louis fell to the floor in a heap.  I collapsed onto my knees. Then Louis groaned and stood up.

"Sorry you had to see that love. Louis a fighter he didn't want to let me in." (Perverted I know! I couldn't re word it lol!) Jefferson/Louis said.

"Who are you?!" I asked.

"I'm Jefferson inside Louis body it's my super power you know. I am a vampire along with your precious little pack of singing boys. My power just so happens to let me control some one else's body and mind." he said walking over to me and yanking me up off the floor. He grabbed the chains that were bolted into the wall and in one swift motion yanked them from the cement wall.

He dragged me up the basement steps. I was kicking and screaming for him to let me go. He just gave up on using the chains to drag me so he threw me over his shoulder and in an instant we were standing in front of the canyon Harry had shown me. He sat me down on my feet.

"There. There sweetie. Dry up those tears." Jefferson in Louis body said. (Imma just call him JeLouis okay. lol) He lifted his hand to my face to wipe them off but I quickly dodged his movement. "Awe, fine we will have a little fun before your lover gets here." he said taking out Louis phone and texting something.

He put it back in Louis pocket and stepped really close. 'Brace yourself darling this is going to hurt like hell!" he yelled with glory sinking his teeth into my neck as I screamed out in pain.  He pulled away after just a few seconds his eyes were blazing red and he had blood on his face. My blood.

"Louis! What the hell!" Harry yelled entering the clearing. Stalking towards us.

"Ah! AH! I wouldn't come any closer if I were you Harry, Avan might just decide to jump." JeLouis said pushing me closer to the edge as Harry stopped. Just then Liam, Niall, and Zayn entered the clearing as well. Niall's eyes turned a black as he saw me.

"Harry! It's not Louis!" I yelled.

"Shut up!" JeLouis yelled slapping me in the face hard enough to shut me up.

"Well who the Fuck could it be?! It's Louis, Avan! He is standing right there!" Zayn yelled.

"Louis listen to me don't do anything you will regret later just let her go." Liam coaxed.

"It's Jeffer-" I couldn't finish since now I was dangling over the edge with JeLouis holding onto me by just my throat.

"I told you to shut up!" he yelled not taking his eyes off the other boy's.

I was screaming bloody murder and was thrashing about trying to get a hold on JeLouis to pull myself in. But I couldn't grasp anything my arms weren't long enough.

"Jefferson?" Harry said taking a minute to think. "Aw fuck! He's the driver he controls people!" Harry yelled grabbing the back of his neck and turning around facing the woods. He turned back towards us and his eyes were blazing orange-red with anger.

Just then Harry tackles JeLouis and we all dive over the edge of the cliff.


Sorry it was so short guys but I really wanted to get to this part and well I had to leave you hanging I'm sorry please don't hate me! But the next chapter should be coming soon and I hoped you guys liked this chapter even though it wasn't all that descriptive!


Crzy1DPatterson XxX

Their Secret  (A One Direction Love Story) *Vampire Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now