Chapter 9: Help Me Harry...............

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Heyy guys I hope you like this book!!! I'm happily uploading sorry about the wait  I had writers block but then frankielovesyoutoo helped me out in the last chapter! Thank you frankie!  Well I got over my writers block and I got a new chapter for ya here it is............


Crzy1DPatterson XxX


Avan's P.O.V.

I laid there quietly my head pounded and my stomach churned.  My throat felt like I had swallowed a hot piece of charcoal.  I slowly sat up opening my eyes.  I immediately started to freak out.  I  had absolutely no idea where I was.  I was in a small dank basement is what it looked to be.  The stench of urine, feces, and decomposition wafted up my nostrils.

"Louis?" I asked the dark room letting tears come out of my eyes. "Anyone there? Harry I'm scared!"  I shouted.  I stood up and felt something tugging at both my arms and ankles.  It was chains. "Help?!" I screamed.  I heard shuffling in the darkness as my heart rate spiked.  I sunk to my knees the smell so horrid on top of a hangover wasn't helping.  I threw up everything I had in my stomach which was mostly Southern Comfort and it burnt just as bad coming up as it did going down.

I now was dry heaving having nothing left in my stomach to throw up. I finally quit heaving and sat back against a wall.  A wall! I stood up still trying to catch my breathe I grabbed the chain that held my left wrist and followed it to the wall.  I tugged on it a few times.

"Stupid! Fu-" I was cut off by the sound of a voice it was hoarse and weak sounding.

"No use, You can't escape, no ever does." the voice went out with a dry coughing gurgling noise then fell silent.  I could tell the voice belonged to a woman.  I could tell the voice was young about my age.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I asked.

No answer.

"How long have you been down here?  What is this place?" I asked in an attempt to keep the girl talking.

No answer.

There was sucking sounds coming from my left where the voice was previously.  Then all at once choruses of screams the screams of young girls.  I fell to my knees holding my ears there was so many screams I started to scream out of fear.......

Then all at once a light flipped on I could now see the severeness of my situation.  Blood covering most of the walls and floor.  I was scared.  I looked around the room it was a basement like I guessed.  A huge one that held young girls my age.  They were all slumped against the walls hair matted blood dried there were a few dead one's scattered around the floor and above the girls there were sections with a name above the girls.

In the section to my front left there were 16 girls chained with the name Zayn in beautiful black letters. Next to the front right where 23 girls with the name Niall above them. Then to the back left corner were 7 chained girls with the name Liam above them.  I looked close to me... I was the only girl in my section I looked above me and written on the wall was the name.......Louis.

All at once there was a figure standing in front of me his face covered in blood, his eyes the color of coal.  His beautiful sea blue polo and kakhi's were also blood stained. I let my eyes travel up the person's body.  I just stared standing up to look right in the person's eyes.



Harry's P.O.V.

I searched frantically around the property of the Lake House looking for Avan.  At the dock.  The Swings.  The Back yard. The Woods.  The Cliff.  No Avan.

I frantically flitted into town with her twitter profile picture enlarged on my phone screen asking people if they have seen this young girl.  I went to mall's and fast food restaurants.  I searched at bars and car dealerships.  Nothing.  I went to the last place I knew which was the park. No Avan.

I sat down on the park bench horrified.  The other boys all had set out to find Avan too except for Niall of course.  I couldn't help let what Louis had said before we started searching for Avan fun fresh through my mind.

"Who ever finds her first,  gets to keep her." Louis had said before we spread out searching all over the county.  I couldn't help but freeze in fear as I stared at the text message I just received.

'Finders Keepers. Losers Weepers.' It also had a picture attached to it.  It was a picture of Avan sleeping peacefully but I had no idea where she was. I read the rest of the text. "Love,  Louis & Avan."

I stood up and flipped the bench over and picked it up and slammed it on the concrete. "Fuck!" I screamed in rage and panic.  I new exactly what Louis plan's where and I wouldn't be able to save my precious Avan on time.

He was planning on killing her.


Sorry about it being so short but it had to be short in order to not give anything away! I hoped you liked it though and I would love to read some comments about what you hink is going to happen next!


Crzy1DPatterson XxX                             Team Marvin (Louis) or Team Jerry (Harry)????

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