Chapter 8: Running from a Fight: Coward.

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Heyy guys full credit to this chapter completely goes to @FrankieLovesYouToo!!!! I could not have gotten over my writers block with this story if it wasn't for her! THIS CHAPTER PLOT IDEA WAS ALL HERS I REPEAT IT WAS HER IDEA I JUST TYPED IT IN MICROSOFT WORDPAD!!!! LOL Thank you Frankie!!!! I also dedicated this chappie to your awesomeness!!!!!!


Crzy1DPatterson XxX


Avan's P.O.V.

Liam and I sat on the couch for hours. We talked about everything from England to Alabama. From my house to his from sibling wars to me being an only child. I told Liam about personal things such as every since I turned ten I wanted the one thing my parents could never give me. An older brother.

I saw girls at school that had older brothers they were like their body guards or something. I wanted one and never got it. This thought made me want to cry when my parents died I wouldn't have a sibling to be there for me. Just Me, Myself, and I.

After we talked Liam graciously made me french toast sticks for breakfast and I hungrily ate them. But afterward we had a long awkward silence.

"Well Liam I think I'm going to take a nap I'm really wore out from everything that has been happening this week." I said standing up from the kitchen table.

"Oh yea that's fine do you want me to wake you at a certain time?" He asked politely.

"Oh no! it's fine I can set an alarm on my phone." I said making my way to my room. When I got to my room I shut the door and flopped down on my bed. I got my laptop out and checked my Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

No nice messages for me. At all. They were all rude everyone putting the smack down on me for winning the contest. I quickly typed a reply to my Haterz.

Heyy Haterz ya know ya make me Famouz rite? Anywayz just wanted to letcha guy's know your messages don't bother me. Find another hobbie besides judging other people :))!

I slammed my laptop closed and let out a huge yawn before crawling under the bed covers. They smelled of faint Lavender and saw dust but the smell was oddly comforting. I lay there for a good hour and a half before I drifted into a peaceful sleep.


When I woke up my phone was glued onto my face. I quickly peeled it from my skin. I started to giggle because I knew my phone would be imprinted in my face so I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Sure enough the famous I-Phone 4 looked like it had been tattooed to my face. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I felt really dirty after sleeping in that bed.

So I turned to my shower and turned the hot water nozzle on nothing but gurgling sounds came from the pipe. Then it spat out orange colored dirt. It looked like vomit then clean crystal clear water came pouring out of it. I pumped my fist in the air for victory. I stripped down and took a long hot shower.

I took my time shaving my legs, arms, and my hairy underpits (:LoL:). Then I washed my hair with my Coconut Scented Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner. I loved the smell of coconuts not to mention that Almond Joys are my favorite candy bar. Minus the Almonds. But I don't like the Mounds because I hate Dark Chocolate with a passion.

I climbed out groggily still tired as Shitake Mushrooms. I wrapped the towel around my frail figure and began to blow dry my hair. when finished I put on my 'I Love Louis Tomlinson' matching bra and hipster panties. Then put on my green dress shirt that my mom bought me from Maurices. It cost exactly $55 and it was on sale.

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