Chapter 12: This Isn't Happening.......... The End :))

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Heyy guys I hope you guys have loved and enjoyed this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it! THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEQUEL!!! So it should be up soon so when it is go check it out!


Crzy1DPatterson XxX


Avan's P.O.V.

It burns. Like fire. No worse. It feels like a thousand Rattle Snakes bit into every part of me. I screamed for what seemed like minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.  Until all at once the desire I had to devour every ounce of the delicious red liquid was completely gone. The burning gone.  The screaming gone.

I was waking up I could tell that I was.....standing? My eyes immediately flew open.  I had no idea where I was.  There was a blindfold over my eyes and was I in just my bra and underwear? Yepp. There was a breeze. (LOL!)  My arms where chained above my head and my feet were barely grazing the slick cement floor.

"Harry?!" I shouted.

No answer.

"Harry?!" I screamed getting nervous. I could hear someone breathing heavily. I didn't dare speak this person's name but it left my lips so quickly I didn't even have time to stop myself.

"Louis?" I asked in a hushed voice.

There was a loud groan/moaning sound coming from my right.

"Louis?" I dared asking again.

"Finally your both awake to join the party!" a voice sang and echoed. I could tell where it was coming from. I started to yank at the chains.

"What did you do to me?" I growled thinking of the burning that was now gone.

"Well you were a vampire, but me being the nice guy I am. I gave you the cure." the person said.

"Let me go!" I said flailing wildly. Someone put their arms around my stomach.

"Shhhhhh." the soothed.

"Wh-" they put their finger to my lips.

"Shh, if you promise to be nice I'll take off your blindfold. Okay? Nod your head." they said. I slowly nodded my head.  They took there finger away from my lips and then pressed their body against mine. I gasped at the sudden closeness. They reached around my head and arms and undid the blind fold.

"Jefferson." I said shocked.

"Congratulations!" he said. I heard another groaning noise and jerked my head to the right. "Louis!" I yelled squirming against the chains trying to slip my hands through the cuffs. "Ah." I groaned at the pain.

"Yes, it's Louis I had to hijack his body to get me out of there! Now I have two things they want." he said chuckling walking over to Louis and punching him in the face. Louis didn't even flinch. "He is in a coma. I made him weak. He never stopped fighting I'll give him that." Jefferson said walking over to me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him willing myself not to cry. "What did you do to Harry?!" I screeched.

"I love you Avan. Can't you see it?" he said moving towards me.

"You call this loving me?! Chaining me up in a basement or whatever this is?!" I yelled letting the tears fall. "Is Harry OK?" I asked.

"Love hurts sweet heart." he said lifting my chin with his hand. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I pulled away.  Then spit in his face.

Their Secret  (A One Direction Love Story) *Vampire Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now