𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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"so... what does this mean," john stared at the photo album, eyes wide, mouth open. he wanted to laugh because of the sheer absurdity. he looked over at freddie, who seemed to be smirking, but he also had a look of vulnerability in his eyes. and then it dawned on john; freddie was looking at brand new pictures of his father. his father who passed away ever so suddenly. this pulled at john's heartstrings, and he wanted nothing more than to envelope the older boy in a massive bear-hug.

freddie looked up, clearing away any sad emotion from his features, replacing them with a devilish grin and a raised eyebrow.
"it means our dads weren't as innocent as we thought," he laughed. john choked.
"freddie! that's our fathers!" he cried, but he couldn't help but smile at the situation. as much as he wanted to question his father when he got home, he concluded that that probably wasn't the best idea and he decided against it.

"my dad liked men too! ugh, icon," freddie shook his head, looking ever so proud. meanwhile, brian and roger had no idea what to say.
"guess you're just like him then, huh fred?" roger finally said, crossing his arms with a smile on his face.
"it seems so, darling," the raven-haired boy replied, his eyes not leaving the photo album. john also had his eyes glued to the book.
an idea crossed his mind.

crossed his legs, sitting in a more comfortable position. his arse was going numb, being sat on the hard floor, but he couldn't bring himself to care. his eyes were still locked on freddie. again, he couldn't bring himself to care or look away. freddie hadn't noticed yet, so what was the harm?
until he did.
freddie looked up towards john, and they met eachother's eyes. the older boy gave him a soft smile, in which john returned. john's cheeks burned up and he could feel how red he was getting, and so he looked down at the floor. freddie chuckled softly to himself, returning his eyes to the book.
john fiddled with his fingers, too afraid to look back up again. he felt his cheeks cooling down a little, which gave him the bravery to slightly glance upwards. he saw that freddie wasn't focused on him anymore, his attention drawn to the book again. a flash of disappointment ran through john, which he chose to ignore.


chat- the band

freddiekins: WILD

stalker alert: i still can't believe it
i always thought my dad was

freddiekins: well SURPRISE
honestly that just makes him all the more powerful
a win for the gays !

stalker alert: WOOOOOO

grandpa: the gays one again huh?

freddiekins: im honestly still shocked about you and rog
bri, you seemed straighter than a lampost

roggie baby: yeah, no
he's straighter than a bloody round-a-bout

grandpa: roger SHUT IT

roggie baby: 😈

freddiekins: damn
guess that just leaves you and me john

stalker alert: in your dreams lover boy

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