𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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chat - the band

roggie baby: guess what
i just got suspended

grandpa: AGAIN?

freddiekins: roger you big fucking idiot whAT DID YOU DO

stalker alert: jesus take the wheel

roggie baby: i was in chemistry and whilst mrs morgan was speaking, i stood up, walked over the the experiment supplies and smashed a thermometer on purpose because i wanted to see what mercury looks like on its own because apparently it goes all funky

grandpa: im dating a fuckin nobhead
i swear-
wHat GAIN did you get out of this?!

roggie baby: i got to see what it looks like! its so cool, look ill send a pic

roggie baby: i got to see what it looks like! its so cool, look ill send a pic

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found this on google but its cool as shit

freddiekins: im honestly flattered
told you i was cool

roggie baby: ur surname isnt even mercury yet, its just a nickname, slow down cowboy

freddiekins: iT WILL BE THOUGH
as soon as i can im changing it legally
passport and everything

stalker alert: why mercury?

freddiekins: because he was a roman god and thats cool

grandpa: he wasnt exactly the most significant one. he was just a messenger

freddiekins: sO? he's a cool geezer

roggie baby: so basically your name will translate to 'freddie postman'

grandpa changed freddiekins' display name to freddie postman


freddie postman: i have accepted my new identity

grandpa: aye you're like postman pat

stalker alert: good god i loved that show

freddie postman: postman pat (the character) was overrated. his cat was the baddest bitch of them all
i forgot her name
what was her name?

stalker alert: jess

freddie postman: deaks were you a full ass stan or something?

stalker alert: why of course
had a fanpage and everything

roggie baby: wait did you really????

stalker alert: nO you dumbass

grandpa: i bet you did
^ bet that was his username

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