𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

716 33 96

chat- the band

roggie baby: guys
i wont be coming into school today
cause like, not to worry ya'll but
im dying

freddiekins: oh gosh, what will we do without our roggie baby????!??!?!

roggie baby: 🖕🏻
i don't know how you guys will cope without me tbh

grandpa: im sure we'll manage

roggie baby: WOW
coming from my own boyfriend?!?!?!
my heart is aching 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

stalker alert: bahahahahaha L

grandpa: what does L mean?

stalker alert: im not entirely sure but i spilt my drink down my shirt yesterday and loadsa kids started making L's with their fingers and putting it on their foreheads and laughing at me
so im pretty sure it means something bad

freddiekins: what colour was your shirt?

stalker alert: uh light grey

freddiekins: so like.....white?

stalker alert: no, freddie. light grey.

freddiekins: yes, john, but was it close to white?

stalker alert: uh... i mean i guess?

freddiekins: ooooo how nice

roggie baby: fred ur a literal maniac. gross.

freddiekins: what have i done this time?!?!

roggie baby: asking deaky if his shirt that got wet was white
we all know what happens when white clothing gets wet

stalker alert: oH

freddiekins: hehehehehehehe

grandpa: freddie you need a shag

freddiekins: hUH?!
i just spat my water out
im a viRGIN

grandpa: you sure?

roggie baby: you should be asking roger that !! he's the slut!

roggie baby: did u just call me a slut?
brian eat him

grandpa: wHAT

roggie baby: not like that you dirty bastard
eat him. gobble him up so i dont have to ever see him again

stalker alert: honestly what the fuck goes on

freddiekins: brian is gonna eat me, save me deaks

stalker alert: i'll protect you😡😡😡

grandpa: i dont really fancy eating freddie but like,
john. you're tiny.
how you gonna defend him? you're TITCH

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