𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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this chapter will be mostly description, so i really am sorry. i know my description is shite but ill work on it :) i just thought it'd be too hard to have it in groupchat form and it just makes more sense... you'll see.
hope you enjoy❤️


𝗷𝗼𝗵𝗻 *:・゚

after stepping out of the house, a whole hour earlier than brian and roger (as per freddie's request), i found myself checking every second to see if freddie had replied to my message. it seemed quite forward, so i wouldn't blame him if he felt quite taken aback and stuck on what to reply. but still, i had to check. what if my vibration or something didn't work? then i'd miss it!
i read online that some people have this thing where they imagine hearing their phone buzz when in reality, it didn't; this is what's happening to me, because i swear to god i heard a buzz the first time i went to check, but it showed no notifications. i was enraged.

suddenly, there was a buzz. there was. my brain was trying to tell me that there wasn't, but i knew it. i reached down into my pocked and clicked the button situated on the top right of my mobile.
no new notifications
"thats absolute bollocks," i half shouted, being aware of any other potential passers by.

it was normally a 10-15 minute walk to freddie's house, and this trip was no different. freddie still hadn't replied, and i wasn't sure if he was just ignoring me or doing something else that was keeping him busy. as i turned around the corner, seeing the chimney of freddie's house in sight, i realised i didn't have long to wait until some answers.
maybe i was getting too clingy? maybe. most likely.

chat- freddie and john

john: freddie, what's the real reason as to why you want me to come a whole hour before the others?

yes. i was getting too clingy. i reminded myself to calm myself down before i pushed down the front door handle to be revealed to the inside of freddie's home, once again. i instantly saw kashmira playing in the left centre of the living room, beautiful wonderfully pleasant and downright cute. she was playing with her barbies, of course. i wish i could just go over there and envelope her in huggles and promise her that i can play barbies with her today. but, i had come to see freddie, and we needed a little bickle chat.

jer, freddie's mum, came out of the kitchen, peering over into the living room to see who had just entered her house. once she saw it was me, she smiled brightly and nodded her head since she was carrying a large oven tray filled with frozen chips.
"hi john! freddie's upstairs," she exclaimed, nodding at me again and heading back into her beloved kitchen.

i hooked my back on my shoulder further to prevent it from falling down and i got up and slowly climbed the stairs, not wanting to wait to see my freddie.
my freddie?
i shook my head in laughter and knocked the bedroom door three times until he opened it, looking absolutely dashing. he hadn't dressed up for the occasion, freddie just always looked amazing. like a painting that deserved to be in the Louvre or something. everything he wore was full of colour and life, and i admired his fashion sense dearly.

"john! darling! you came early" he cried, with bright, excited eyes. john guessed that he hadn't seen his message yet, because if so, there would have at least been a splash of tension in the air. or, he could have seen it and just brushed it off, not wanting to make things awkward. mind you, it's very hard to make freddie feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

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