Love = Bad?

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It's been about, what was it, 3 years since I was 'grounded' -for lack of a better term- by my name. Which, by the way, is kind of cliche. Now, I don't know much about the language of flowers. But even I know Belladonna means 'beautiful lady'. A compliment, yes, but is it really original?

Either way, the last three years have been... kind of boring. I don't know what I honestly expected of a villainess's life but... this is really boring. Like, don't most villainess's kind of have horribly abusive or really spoiled backgrounds?

Or is Belladonna, previous not me, just one of those villains who are certifiably insane for no apparent reason? I had hoped otherwise but now it's kind of seeming like that's the case. Then again, Mother's insistent pushing of her views on love on me would really damage the views of an actual child.

Like, I get that her and 'Father's' relationship is kind of rocky, and from my guesses also forced upon them, but that's no reason to take it out on a child. Seriously! 'Love is bad'? 'Stay cold'? 'You can only love me'? Does Mother know-how that can damage a child's psyche?

Really for the only woman -or person in general- I interact with, Mother's really depressing. I think she counts as a 'negative influence' that any therapist would tell me to stay away from. Really.

It's not like I can just stop talking to Mother though, I would get really lonely really quickly. The maids and butlers seem terrified whenever I so much as glance at them. Much less actually talking to them.

Did Mother threaten them? I wouldn't put it past her really. But without talking to them, who did she expect me to socialize to? Look at me, I'm an introvert and even I would kill for anyone to talk to right now. 

Mother, really, a four-year-old needs to develop her social skills! Even if that four-year-old is actual an 18-year-old -or am I 21 now technically?-. Regardless, I'm boooored.

The only thing I'm thankful for is that my all the tutoring I get won't start till I'm five. Which means I can continue to ignore the fact I'm a Viscount's daughter. For now, that is.

So that leaves the only other thing I can do since Mother forbids me from entering 'Father's' side of the mansion. Stay in my room and explore the giant dusty tomes. Which is, by the way, fine by me! I like reading.

Then again, my preferred reading material is science fiction, and these tomes are most certainly for a fantasy world. Which means I get kind of bored while reading them. The history tomes are fine though. I like any history, in any genre or class.

History also happened to be the only subject on the shelves. So does that mean Mother also loves history? A thing to ask her I guess. The only book on the bookshelf not related to history was a book that was basically 'Magic: For Dummies'. The actual name was something more like 'A Basic Overview: Magic'.

I think the 'A Basic Overview' title is a book line for children in this world. Only because there are a lot of books with that in their title on my bookshelves, in a children's room. They were also very easy to understand, so that also went in there favor.

Sadly, the 'A Basic Overview' series also fell into the hole a lot of other children's books did. Namely the 'not enough information' hole. I've read all of them, they're really not that long, and I've learned only a few things about the world I'm in.

First, I live in the Kingdom of Altaria, created by Spirit King as a safe haven for all magic users and magical creatures.

Second, many magical creatures live in Altaira. Myself being some sort of fae person I think, mainly because of the pointy ears and pale skin.

Third, Altaria has a rivalry with its neighboring kingdom of Celibrus and are friends with another kingdom called Morisis.

Finally, I currently live under the rule of King Amell Lockwood and Queen Lucretia Lockwood. Who are apparently really nice, generous, and have four sons. The Crown Prince, Maximus Lockwood. The Second Prince, Aku Lockwood. And the twin princes, Loreto, and Lionel Lockwood.

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